FIRREA Meaning

The FIRREA meaning is "Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act". The FIRREA abbreviation has 16 different full form.

FIRREA Full Forms

  1. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act Business, Banking, Reform, Insurance, Business & Finance
  2. Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act Business, Banking, Loan
  3. Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act Business, Banking, Reform
  4. Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Enforcement Act
  5. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery & Enforcement Act
  6. Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery and Enforcement Act
  7. Federal Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act
  8. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act Business, Recovery, Reform
  9. Financial Institutions Recovery, Reform and Enforcement Act
  10. Financial Institutional Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act
  11. Financial Institutions Reform Recover and Enforcement Act
  12. Financial Institutions, Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act
  13. Financial Institutetutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act Business, Insurance
  14. Financial Institutetutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act Business, Finance
  15. Federal Institutions Reform, Recovery & Enforcement Act
  16. Financial Institutions Recovery, Reform, and Enforcement Act

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIRREA stand for?

    FIRREA stands for Financial Institutions Recovery, Reform and Enforcement Act.

  2. What is the shortened form of Financial Institutions Reform Recover and Enforcement Act?

    The short form of "Financial Institutions Reform Recover and Enforcement Act" is FIRREA.


FIRREA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved January 8, 2025 from

Last updated