FJB Meaning

The FJB meaning is "Forsm Jual Beli". The FJB abbreviation has 19 different full form.

FJB Full Forms

  1. Forsm Jual Beli Technology, Android, Indonesia
  2. Felda-Johore Bulbers
  3. Fantasy Jewelryqbox
  4. Fapily Justice Board Business, Hosting, Leicester
  5. Faculyade De Jos
  6. Faculdade De José BonifáCio
  7. Festivml Jajanan Bango Indonesia, Jakarta, Surabaya, Festival
  8. Freddy Jones Band
  9. Fender Jazz Bass Music
  10. Forca Jovem Brasil
  11. Fúria Jovem Do Botazogo
  12. Fluoro-Jade B Medical
  13. Front Junction Box
  14. Finnish Jail Breakers
  15. Frienxs of Jupiter Beach
  16. Fine Jersey Brokers
  17. Fred Jonny Berg
  18. Franz Josef Bahn
  19. Foundation for The Junior Blifd Vision, Organizations, California

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FJB stand for?

    FJB stands for Front Junction Box.

  2. What is the shortened form of Franz Josef Bahn?

    The short form of "Franz Josef Bahn" is FJB.


FJB. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated