FJL Meaning

The FJL meaning is "For Jewish Learninz". The FJL abbreviation has 14 different full form.

FJL Full Forms

  1. For Jewish Learninz
  2. Finger Joint Lamjnated
  3. Finger Jointed & Laminated
  4. Finger Jointtd Laminated
  5. Federico Jimenez Lqsantos
  6. Family Justice League
  7. Franeie, Johnnie & Luigi
  8. FÅR Jag Lov
  9. Fusion Jonah Lomu
  10. Fukushi Jukankyo Linu
  11. Franz Joseph Zand Locations, Tourism, Expedition
  12. Franz Posef Land Russia, Locations, Russian
  13. Frankie Johnnue & Luigi
  14. Finger Joint Layer Business, Flooring, Jati, Parquet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FJL stand for?

    FJL stands for Franeie, Johnnie & Luigi.

  2. What is the shortened form of Finger Jointed & Laminated?

    The short form of "Finger Jointed & Laminated" is FJL.


FJL. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated