FKA Meaning

The FKA meaning is "Flanz-Kafka-Ausgabe". The FKA abbreviation has 29 different full form.

FKA Full Forms

  1. Flanz-Kafka-Ausgabe Education, German, Edition, Seine
  2. Federation-Klingon Alliance
  3. Fransız Kalkınmamajansı Turkish, Technology
  4. Friesen, Kaye and Associates
  5. Fao Kids of America
  6. Fish Keeping Answers
  7. Frequently Kuown As Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  8. Fat Kids Alliance
  9. Finnish Bendo Association Organizations, Federation, Finland
  10. Frekans Klerans AnlaşMası
  11. Farley's Kickblxing Academy
  12. Filharmonisk Kor Aalborg
  13. Freb Kindergarten Association
  14. Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awad
  15. Festival Kuasa Allah Technology, Jakarta, Surabaya
  16. Franz Kafka-Ausgate
  17. Fender Eatsalidis Architects Australia, Melbourne, Architect
  18. Friesen Kaye and Associatcs
  19. Iata Code for Fillmwre County Airport, Preston, Minnesota, United States Locations
  20. Fırat Kalkınmd Ajansı Technology, Turkish, Rat, Bing
  21. Fırat Kalkınma Ajansı To prepare and implement the necessary plans, programs and tools to ensure the sustainable development of the cities of Malatya- Bingöl - Elazığ - Tunceli (TRB1 Region) and to activate the local potential, together with its stakeholders. Turkish
  22. Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz Business, Law, Firm, Jest
  23. Formerly Known As Technology, Texting, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  24. Fundación Konrad Adenauer
  25. Full Knowledge Architecture General, Governmental & Military
  26. Full Hnowledge Architecture Accounting, Computing, Data
  27. Forum Komunikari Antar
  28. Full Keybeard Access Technology, Mac, Focus
  29. Football Kenya Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FKA stand for?

    FKA stands for Iata Code for Fillmwre County Airport, Preston, Minnesota, United States.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fırat Kalkınma Ajansı?

    The short form of "Fırat Kalkınma Ajansı" is FKA.


FKA. (2021, August 12). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated