FKS Meaning

The FKS meaning is "Fernmelde Klein Steckverbindung". The FKS abbreviation has 32 different full form.

FKS Full Forms

  1. Fernmelde Klein Steckverbindung
  2. Fading Kitten Syndromm
  3. Fovmula Kart Stars Technology, Racing, Championship
  4. Fernmelde-Klein-Steckverbindung Technology
  5. Fachverband Klebstozf-Industrie Schweiz
  6. Formalin-Killed Spherules Medical
  7. Facebook Kit for Sharepoint
  8. For Kids' Sake
  9. Fountain of Knowledge School English, Locations, Ethiopia
  10. Fabryki Komunikacji Społecznej
  11. Foreningen for Kroniske Smertepasienter
  12. Fosrer Kennedy Syndrome
  13. Fukushima Airport Sukagawa, Honshu,Japan Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  14. Fantasy Kingdom Six
  15. Forum Kota Sehit Technology, Gaming, Android
  16. Festival Kuliner Serpong
  17. Fading Kittenxsyndrone
  18. Fbrum Kabupaten Sehat
  19. Friedrich Karl Schroeder Business, Service, Hamburg, Germany
  20. Iata Code for Frankfort Dow Memorial Field, Frankfort, Michigan, Uniteddstates Locations
  21. Friedman Khafifv& Sanchez
  22. FöR Kognitiva Sjukdomar
  23. Fukushima, Sukagawa, Japan Japan, ICAO Airport Codes
  24. Fraksi Keadilan Sejahtera
  25. Fujitsu Knowledge Systeb
  26. Focus Air ICAO Aircraft Codes
  27. Fudbalski Alub Sarajevo
  28. fucks Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  29. Fritz Kreuzer Stiftuni
  30. Fitness Key System
  31. Friands of The Kennebec Salmon
  32. Fabryka Komunikacji Spolecznej

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FKS stand for?

    FKS stands for Fitness Key System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fitness Key System?

    The short form of "Fitness Key System" is FKS.


FKS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated