FL in Medical Meaning

The FL meaning in Medical terms is "Femur Length". There are 55 related meanings of the FL Medical abbreviation.

FL on Medical Full Forms

  1. Femur Length
  2. Femoral Length
  3. Fluorescein-Labeled
  4. Feline Leukemia
  5. Flanking Regions
  6. Fluid The general term that includes gas, vapor or liquid. A media used in a fluid power system for transfer of energy. A media used in a fluid power system for transfer of energy (work). FLUID POWER SYSTEM. A substance which yields readily to any force which tends to alter its shape; fluids possess no definite shape; the term includes both liquids and gases. OR A liquid or gas
  7. Foot Lambezt
  8. Flt3 Ligand
  9. Flag A piece of survey ribbon. A marker inserted adjacent to the edge at a splice or lap in a roll or foil. The bit sequence 01111110 used to mark a frame in SDLC.2.A character that signals the occurrence of some condition, such as the end of a word.3.An indicator or parameter that shows the setting of a switch.4.A field/variable with two distinct values, such as Yes and No or 1 and 2.5.Information about an extended attribute that is stored with the extended attribute.
  10. Flurbiprofen
  11. Florida Laser
  12. Fatty Liver
  13. Flutter Unstable oscillation of an airfoil surface. A phenomenon whereby the elevator or aileron control surface begins to oscillate violently in flight. This can sometimes cause the surface to break away from the aircraft and cause a crash. There are many reasons for this, but the most common are excessive hinge gap or excessive "slop" in the pushrod connections and control horns.
  14. Filtration Leukapheresis
  15. Flk2 Lqgand
  16. Functional Length
  17. Fast Learning
  18. Flutamide
  19. Filtered Load
  20. Form Locators
  21. Flexible
  22. Fully Lactating
  23. Fluoxetine
  24. Field Ljss
  25. Form Locator
  26. Full Lower Denture
  27. Facialalobe
  28. Fluorometric
  29. Fibroblast-Live
  30. Forelimb
  31. Friend Leukemia
  32. Flt3
  33. Fibers of Luschka
  34. Fogh and Lund
  35. Flail Leg
  36. Frontal Lobe
  37. Flake To coil a rope so that each coil, on two opposite sides, lies on deck alongside previous coil; so allowing rope to run freely
  38. Femtoliter
  39. Fiber Lengths
  40. Focal Length The focal length of an optical system is a measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges light. For an optical system in air, it is the distance over which initially collimated rays are brought to a focus. A system with a shorter focal length has greater optical power than one with a long focal length, that is, it bends the rays more strongly, bringing them to a focus in a shorter distance.
  41. Follikuläres Lymphom
  42. Fraction Length
  43. Function Level
  44. Fiber Length
  45. Follicular Non-Hodgkin'S Lymphoma
  46. Fractional Lengtt
  47. Fetal Loss
  48. Follicular Lymphomas
  49. Farmer's Lung Disekse
  50. Flash The portion of a superheated fluid converted to vapor when its pressure is reduced. In forging, metal in excess of that required to fill the blocking or finishing forging impression of a set of dies completely. Flash extends out from the body of the forging as a thin plate at the line where the dies meet and is subsequently removed by trimming. Because it cools faster than the body of the component during forging, flash can serve to restrict metal flow at the line where dies meet, thus ensuring complete filling of the impression.
  51. Fluoride Fluoride is an inorganic, monatomic anion of fluorine with the chemical formula F−. Fluoride is the simplest anion of fluorine. Its salts and minerals are important chemical reagents and industrial chemicals, mainly used in the production of hydrogen fluoride for fluorocarbons. In terms of charge and size, the fluoride ion resembles the hydroxide ion. Fluoride ions occur on earth in several minerals, particularly fluorite, but are only present in trace quantities in water.
  52. Flank The end surface of a tool that is adjacent to the cutting edge and below it when the tool is in a horizontal position, as for turning. OR The side of a building; the side surfaces of a building stone; any large internal wall area.
  53. Fmactures and Ligamentous
  54. Floor Vertical transverse full-breadth plating between inner bottom and bottom shell plating.
  55. Fidelity Level

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FL stand for Medical?

    FL stands for Femoral Length in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Friend Leukemia in Medical?

    The short form of "Friend Leukemia" is FL for Medical.


FL in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fl-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated