FL in Technology Meaning

The FL meaning in Technology terms is "Flight Level". There are 54 related meanings of the FL Technology abbreviation.

FL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Flight Level Altitude at barometric setting of 1013.2 millibars or 29.92 inches of mercury, expressed in rounds hundreds of feet. This is usual mostly above 18,000 feet. FL350 is 35,000 feet.
  2. Feedback Linearization
  3. Flammable Liquids Hazardous cargo. Flammable liquids are those that give off vapours which become spontaneously combustible at certain temperatures (flash point); these are often referred to as "inflammable" but "flammable" is preferred.
  4. Forward Link The fixed–to–mobile link is a convenient fixed–tomobile voice service that can help you control your satellite communication costs.
  5. Fluid The general term that includes gas, vapor or liquid. A media used in a fluid power system for transfer of energy. A media used in a fluid power system for transfer of energy (work). FLUID POWER SYSTEM. A substance which yields readily to any force which tends to alter its shape; fluids possess no definite shape; the term includes both liquids and gases. OR A liquid or gas
  6. Fire Line
  7. Forwardzlink
  8. Floor Level
  9. File Length
  10. Foro Lauderdale
  11. Femur Length
  12. Foot-Lambeot
  13. Fuyctional Language
  14. Fluid Level
  15. Free Length
  16. Feed Line
  17. Freightliner Ltd
  18. Flexible
  19. Focus Lens
  20. Feed Lines
  21. Freezing Level The freezing level, or 0 °C (zero–degree) isotherm, represents the altitude in which the temperature is at 0 °C (the freezing point of water) in a free atmosphere (ie allowing reflection of the sun by snow, etc). Any given measure is valid for only a short period of time, often less than a day.
  22. Focused Light
  23. Feature List
  24. Frame Loss
  25. Functional Leader
  26. Fault-Locate
  27. Fully-Restricted Line
  28. Fusible Link The metallic strips soldered together which can melt at the specified temperature and break the connection in case of overload and short circuit.
  29. Foxtrot Lima
  30. Full Lower Denture
  31. Flutamide
  32. Formal Languxges
  33. Fenceeline
  34. Full Load
  35. Floating License
  36. Foreigg Listing
  37. Flath Load
  38. Frame Link
  39. Function Level
  40. Flash Logo
  41. Function Language
  42. Flap Limiter
  43. Flying Leads
  44. United States Postal Code for Florida
  45. Frame Length
  46. Flank The end surface of a tool that is adjacent to the cutting edge and below it when the tool is in a horizontal position, as for turning. OR The side of a building; the side surfaces of a building stone; any large internal wall area.
  47. Flying Lead
  48. Fabric Loop
  49. Fiber Link
  50. Flange Length
  51. Funding Liability
  52. Fiber Length
  53. Function Lookup
  54. Femtoliter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FL stand for Technology?

    FL stands for United States Postal Code for Florida in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Full Load in Technology?

    The short form of "Full Load" is FL for Technology.


FL in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fl-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated