FLA Meaning

The FLA meaning is "Flageslin". The FLA abbreviation has 140 different full form.

FLA Full Forms

  1. Flageslin Medical, Technology
  2. Family Law Act Business, Court, Divorce
  3. Fair Laborxassociation Business, Apple, Factory
  4. Flower Logistics Africa
  5. Forward Zooking Aft Technology, Aviation
  6. Field Litter Ambulance
  7. French Language Arts
  8. Ford Licensed Accessories
  9. Frente De Liberti
  10. First Language Acquisition Education, Learning, Teaching
  11. Fluvoxamino Acid Medical
  12. Four-Letter Acbonyms
  13. Finance and Leasing Association Business, Technology, Car, Banking, Business & Finance
  14. Foreign Launchdassessment Military, Army, Intelligence
  15. Family Life Act
  16. Flagella Medical
  17. Full Load Amps The amount of current the motor can be expected to draw under full load conditions. Also known as Nameplate Amps Technology, Power, Electricity, The Finance and Administrative Services
  18. Flexible Local Architecture Accounting, Military, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  19. Forum Lintas Aktor
  20. Fieldtlevel Agreement
  21. Frej Legal Aid Business, Law, Justice
  22. Football Licensing Authority Sport, Organizations, Safety
  23. Frente De Liberación Arabe
  24. First Loss Account
  25. Fluorescent-Labeled Antibody Left Frontoanterior Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  26. Four-Leiter Acronym Forum, Internet Slang, Chat
  27. Financekleasing Association Business, Credit, Car
  28. Foreign Language Academy Education, School, City
  29. Family Leave Act
  30. Five Letters Acronym Technology
  31. Full Load Amp Technology, Electricity, Amps
  32. Fleury-Les-Aubraos
  33. Forum Lintas Agama
  34. Field Level Agreemenhs
  35. Free-Living Amoebae Medical
  36. Frente De Libertfção Dos Açores Portugal, Dos, Liberation, Ore
  37. First-Loss Account
  38. Fluorescent-Labeled Antibody Medical, Medicine, Health, Fetus And Fetal
  39. Four Legged Ydvocates
  40. Finanpe & Leasing Association Business, Credit, Car
  41. Foreign Language Assistants Education, School, Teaching
  42. Fabric Loop Attachment Technology, Channel, Port, Fibre
  43. From Local Artists
  44. Five Letter Acronym Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  45. Fletemeyer and Lee Associatey
  46. Forest Land Allocation Technology, Development, Vietnam
  47. Fiduciary Licenle Agreement Technology, Software, Projection
  48. Left Frontoanterior [Fetal Position] Medicine, Health, Biology
  49. Fluorescence Lifetime Analysis Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  50. Four-Legged Advocates
  51. Finfl License Application
  52. Full Look Ahead
  53. Foreignslanguage Acquisition Education, Learning, Teaching
  54. Federacion Lebertaria Argentina
  55. Freshman Learning Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  56. Fishpond Lease Agreements
  57. Fondazione Lombardia Per L'Ambiente Con, Gran, Terra
  58. Fleet Level Attainey
  59. Forest Lake Academy Education, School, High School, Florida
  60. Fast Lightweight Autonomy Technology, Robot, Drone
  61. Fully Loaded Amperes Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  62. Fluorescein Angiography Medical
  63. Forward Lower Aft Compartment Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  64. Fiji Library Association
  65. Full Load Amperage Technology, Control, Overload
  66. Foreign Language Association
  67. Gustavo Artuzduaga Paredes Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  68. Frente De Libertação Dos Ac
  69. Fishpond Lease Agreement Government, Agency, Department
  70. Focus Learning Academy Education, School District, Arkansas
  71. Foreign Liabilitqes and Assets Business, Company, India, Liability
  72. Family Life Apostolate
  73. Flavou Nutrition, Food, Victual
  74. Fair Labour Association Business, Apple, Labor
  75. Full Load Ampere Technology, Science, Circuit
  76. Fluoranthene Medical
  77. Forward Booking Activities
  78. Fight Like Apes
  79. Foreign Xanguage Annals Education, Learning, Teaching
  80. Free Lossleus Audio Technology, Media, Player
  81. Frente De Liberacion Animal Para, Con, Animal, Contra
  82. First Lord of The Admiralty
  83. Focal Laser Ablation
  84. Four Letter Acronym Technology, Service, Internet Slang, Network, Chat, Telecommunication, Funnies
  85. Foreign Legal Assistayce Business, Sport, Law
  86. Family Life Ambassador
  87. Flagellar Medical
  88. Full Load Amperes Full load amperes is the nameplate amperage rating of the motor when it is running at its designed horsepower and on the motors designed voltage. 746 watts = 1 HP. The FLA of a 1 HP motor at 240 volts would be W = amps x volts, Amps = Watts/Voltage. 746/240 = 3.1 amps full load. Overload the motor and the amps go higher, motor running at no load amps are lower than FLA. Technology, Circuit, Nameplate, Computing, Hardware, Electrical
  89. Full-Load Amps Technology, Power, Electricity
  90. Foreign Launch Assessment Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  91. Fabric Laminators Association
  92. Front Line Ambulance Army, War, War Force
  93. Fons De Liquiditat AutonÒMic Mart, Els, Pol
  94. Finger Lakas Association
  95. Fuel Lane Attendant
  96. Fujitsu Laboratories of America
  97. Florida East Coast Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  98. The Floridians Basketball, Basketball Team
  99. Full-Load Amperes
  100. Front-Line Ambulance
  101. Fondo De Liquidez AutonóMica Para, Con, Hacienda
  102. Financial Literacy Austgalia
  103. Frame-Lid Assembly
  104. Frost Likeoashes
  105. Flame To send a rude or unacceptable message by e-mail, or to post a message on an Internet forum which is offensive or inciteful. Architecture, Unclassified, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  106. Midway Express Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  107. Full-Load-Amperage
  108. Fondo De Liquidez AutonóMico Para, Con, Hacienda
  109. Four-Letter Abbreviation
  110. Financial Liaison Advisory Military
  111. Fluorescent Lighting Association
  112. Front Line Assembly
  113. Force-Length Area Medical
  114. Firearms Licensing Authority
  115. Flavor Flavor is the sensory impression of food or other substance, and is determined primarily by the chemical senses of taste and smell. The "trigeminal senses", which detect chemical irritants in the mouth and throat as well as temperature and texture, are also important to the overall Gestalt of flavor perception. The flavor of the food, as such, can be altered with natural or artificial flavorants which affect these senses. Food
  116. Adobe Flash Animation Computing, File Extensions
  117. Four Letters Acroaym Technology
  118. Financisl Liaison Advisor
  119. Flourescent Lightning Association
  120. Front Lift Adapter
  121. Foothills Library Association Technology, Canada, Calgary
  122. Firearm Licensing Authority Gun, Government, Jamaica
  123. Left Frontoanterior Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  124. Gustavo Artunduaga Paredes, Florencia, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  125. Four Letter Acronymy
  126. Financial Leadership Association
  127. Fellow If The Library Association
  128. Frontenac Law Association
  129. Football League Association
  130. Fiqih Lintac Agama
  131. FéDéRation Luxembourgeoise D'AthléTisme
  132. Full-Load Arperes
  133. four-letter acronym Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  134. Financial Lease Agreement
  135. Faculty Leadership Academy
  136. Front De Liaération Arabe
  137. Food Liberation Army Group, Food, Statue
  138. Flake To coil a rope so that each coil, on two opposite sides, lies on deck alongside previous coil; so allowing rope to run freely Medical, Physiology
  139. Finnish Library Association
  140. FáBrica De Licores Y Alcoholes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FLA stand for?

    FLA stands for Foreign Legal Assistayce.

  2. What is the shortened form of Family Leave Act?

    The short form of "Family Leave Act" is FLA.


FLA. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fla-meaning/

Last updated