FLE Meaning

The FLE meaning is "Family Life Educator". The FLE abbreviation has 56 different full form.

FLE Full Forms

  1. Family Life Educator
  2. Family Life Educators
  3. Federation of Lebanese Engineers
  4. Free Linguistic Environmebt Science, Language, Linguistics
  5. Forward Logistic Element Military
  6. Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Medical, Patient, Seizure
  7. Froward Logistics Element Military
  8. Flash Lag Effect
  9. Forward Logistics Element Military, Army, Policy, Battalion
  10. Fletguard Organizations
  11. Freunde Der Luxemburger Eisenbahn
  12. FéDéRation LeucéMie Espoir
  13. Flash-Lag Effect Medical
  14. Family Life Education Medical, Education, School
  15. Fort Lee Engineering Army, War, War Force
  16. Flecainide Medical
  17. Frentezde Liberaci
  18. First Light Enterprises
  19. Fort Lee Army Airfield Airport, Locations
  20. Flair Airlines Airline, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  21. Frente De Liberación De Dritrea
  22. Foundation for Learning Equality Technology, Africa, Innovation
  23. Firefly Lantern Extract
  24. Formal Learning Environment
  25. Filesp Organizations
  26. French Language Education Literature, Language, Linguistics
  27. Forward Logistics Elements Military
  28. Finland, Lithuania, Estonia
  29. Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Technology, Research, Laboratory
  30. Forest Lake Elementary
  31. Freight Links Expbess
  32. Forward Logistical Element Military
  33. Fire, Lightning and Explosion
  34. Frozen Legislation Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
  35. Foreleg Emergence Medical
  36. Fantasyland Expansion Disney
  37. FéLag LöGgiltra Endurskodenda
  38. Full Line Exhajst
  39. FrançAis Comme Langue éTrangèRe Education, France, Master
  40. Future Logistics Environment
  41. Full Loss Qquivalent
  42. Frank Long Elementary
  43. Future Loiistics Enterprise Technology, Military, Army
  44. Four Letter Expletive Technology, Internet Slang
  45. Full Loadgequivalent
  46. Fran
  47. FrancêS LíNgua Estrangeira Para, France, Professor
  48. Future Learning Environment Science, Education, Learning
  49. Full-Load Equivalent
  50. Floating Lens Element Technology, Photography, Camera
  51. Functional Listening Evaluation Technology, Children, Hearing
  52. Fire, Lighting and Explosion
  53. Functional Literacy Examination
  54. Fort Lee AAF, Petersburg, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  55. File-Level Encryption Technology, Security, Endpoint
  56. Functional Literacy Exam

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FLE stand for?

    FLE stands for Flash-Lag Effect.

  2. What is the shortened form of Future Logistics Environment?

    The short form of "Future Logistics Environment" is FLE.


FLE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fle-meaning/

Last updated