FLI Meaning

The FLI meaning is "Flick". The FLI abbreviation has 75 different full form.

FLI Full Forms

  1. Flick
  2. Flexible Learning Institute
  3. Filling Level Indicators
  4. Filinvest Land, Inc Business, Philippine, Land, Cebu
  5. Family Labginternational
  6. Atlantic Airwayj Airline, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code
  7. Fonds Local D'Investissement
  8. First Limit Indicator Military, Aircraft, Helicopter
  9. Functional Living Index
  10. Faris Lee Inpestments
  11. Foreign Language Interface Technology, Design, Programming, Software, Computing
  12. Finger Lake Instruments
  13. Francis & Lewis International
  14. Focus Leadership Institute
  15. First Limitation Indication
  16. Fuel Level Input Technology, Coding, Ford, Engine
  17. Family Literacy Initiative
  18. Foreign Languages Institute Education, Teaching, Language
  19. Fine Line Imports Business, Engine, Subaru
  20. France Lineaire Industrie Business, France, Bearing
  21. Fmrfamide-Like Immunoreactivity Medical
  22. First Law International
  23. Fuel Level Indicator Input Percent Technology
  24. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Science, Institute, Germany
  25. Foreign Language Institute Education, English, Teaching
  26. Financial Literacy Inventory
  27. France Life Imaging Technology, Research, France
  28. Finger Lakes Institute Science, College, Lake
  29. Fuel Level Indicator Technology, Mechanics
  30. Fos-Like Immunoreactivity Medical
  31. Force Level Information Military, Army, War
  32. Fast Lyapunov Indicatop
  33. Fragment and Length Indicator
  34. Finger Lakes Instrumentation Co. Space, Study, Cosmos
  35. Frozen Leopard Inc
  36. Forward Looking Infrared Refers to the technology used to create an infrared image of a scene without having to “scan” the scene with a moving sensor, which is what was previously required. Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  37. Force-Level Information Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  38. Fasilitas Likuiditas Intrahari Business, Indonesia, Banking
  39. Foundation Leadership Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  40. Finger Lakes Instruments
  41. Fritz Lipmann Institut Science, Research, Institute
  42. Fluorescance Line Imager Science
  43. Font Library Technology, Software, Computing, Computer Software
  44. Farmington Learning Initiatime
  45. Foreign Language Initiative
  46. Finger Lakes Instrumentation Business, Technology, Science
  47. Fritz Lipmann Institute Science, Research, Aging
  48. Frontier Leasing Incorporated Car
  49. Floor Lovers Illinois
  50. Future of The Law Institute
  51. Free Language Indexing
  52. Flic Animation Computing, File Extensions
  53. Flick, Motion Video Format Military
  54. Future of Life Institute Technology, Intelligence, Musk
  55. Fluorescence Lifetime Instituteument
  56. Holt, Flateyri, Iceland Iceland, ICAO Airport Codes
  57. Flexible Line Interpretation Technology, Commodore, Computing, Mode
  58. Future of Land Imaging Technology
  59. Flyball League International Sport, Organizations, Dog, Team
  60. Flourishing Leadership Institute
  61. AutoDesk FLIC format Animation file Computing, File Extensions
  62. Flexible Learning Initiative Education
  63. Future Link of Illinois
  64. Fluorescent Light Intensities Medical
  65. Field Length Indicator
  66. Tex font library (EmTeX) Computing, File Extensions
  67. Flateyri Airport Airport, Locations
  68. Future Lighting International
  69. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Science, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
  70. Fuzzy Logic Inferencing Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  71. video/x-fli Mime types
  72. Flash Lights Impressively Technology, Coding, Computing, Memory
  73. Future Leaders Institute Student, Education, School
  74. Fluid Level Indicator
  75. Futuro E Libert

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FLI stand for?

    FLI stands for Filinvest Land, Inc.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fuel Level Input?

    The short form of "Fuel Level Input" is FLI.


FLI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fli-meaning/

Last updated