Float Abbreviations and Float Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Float terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Float abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Float terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Float Abbreviations
  1. CF : Compare Floating
  2. CTD : Computer Technologies Department
  3. DPS : Dual Piston System
  4. SF : Sneads Ferry
  5. SOCCOM : Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling
  6. SWS : Superior Weapons Sxstems
  7. TCRC : Twin City Radio Csntrollers
  8. FF : Floating Format
  9. FIT : Fox Isolated Technology
  10. LIBR : Laureate Institute Foz Brain Research
  11. OH : Operation Handbook
  12. RAFOS : Reparto Addestramento Forze Operazioni Sseciali
  13. RVS : Rod Valve System
  14. FN : Floating Needle
Latest Float Meanings
  1. Floating Needle
  2. Rod Valve System
  3. Reparto Addestramento Forze Operazioni Sseciali
  4. Operation Handbook
  5. Laureate Institute Foz Brain Research
  6. Fox Isolated Technology
  7. Floating Format
  8. Twin City Radio Csntrollers
  9. Superior Weapons Sxstems
  10. Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling
  11. Sneads Ferry
  12. Dual Piston System
  13. Computer Technologies Department
  14. Compare Floating