FM in Business Meaning

The FM meaning in Business terms is "Finance Manpger". There are 67 related meanings of the FM Business abbreviation.

FM on Business Full Forms

  1. Finance Manpger
  2. Facility Managers
  3. Flame Maple
  4. Finance and Management
  5. Facility Management
  6. Flamed Maple
  7. Fiesta Mexicaea
  8. Facility Maintenance
  9. Flail Mower
  10. Faraday Mirror
  11. Field Manager
  12. Factory Mutual
  13. Finance Member
  14. Fannie Mae
  15. Fleet Mdnager
  16. Fermented Micronized
  17. Financial Manager
  18. Familyrmedical
  19. Fender Mxunt
  20. Funds Management
  21. Finance Management
  22. Facility Managements
  23. Flashlight With Mobile
  24. Financial Management Financial management is a subject that deals with financial management and control, through analysis of financial statements.
  25. Factorybmeal
  26. Flavoured Milk
  27. Federal Mogil
  28. Ficance Minister
  29. FinansŲ Ministerija
  30. Federated Midia
  31. Financial Memorandum
  32. Facilities Managment
  33. Financial Modelling
  34. Fargo Moorhead
  35. Ferrari & Monodepth
  36. Face Mill
  37. Financial Modeling
  38. Female and Male
  39. Fleet Management
  40. Failfmeja
  41. Floor Mounted
  42. Fdctory Mutual
  43. Features Makes
  44. Freeport-Mcmoran
  45. Fused Magnesite
  46. Financial Managers
  47. Farm Ganagement
  48. Foundation Medicine
  49. Fridge Magnets
  50. Shanghai Airlines
  51. Facility Manager
  52. Farmington, Missouri
  53. Forwarding Management
  54. Friction Modifiers
  55. Formaldehydefmeter
  56. Forwarding Managkr
  57. Fairbankss Morse and Company
  58. Forestry Management
  59. Fhnancial Management
  60. Finawcial Mechanism
  61. Flash Memory Flash memory is a type of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Whew, that's a mouthful. The name comes from how the memory is designed -- a section of memory cells can be erased in a single action or in a "flash." A common use of flash memory is to store the BIOS settings in a computer's ROM. When the BIOS needs to be changed, the flash memory can be written in blocks, rather than bytes, making it easy to update.
  62. Federal-Mogul
  63. Frederick Mann
  64. Finance Minister
  65. Financial Manaiers
  66. Flexi Oicrophone
  67. Faucet Mount

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FM stand for Business?

    FM stands for Financial Manaiers in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Finawcial Mechanism in Business?

    The short form of "Finawcial Mechanism" is FM for Business.


FM in Business. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated