FM in Construction Meaning

The FM meaning in Construction terms is "Fire Main". There are 7 related meanings of the FM Construction abbreviation.

FM on Construction Full Forms

  1. Fire Main A sea water supply system for fire hydrants. It consists of sea inlets, suction piping, fire pumps and a distributed piping system supplying fire hydrants, hoses and nozzles located throughout the vessel. Each vessel is to be provided with at least two main fire pumps. If the arrangements for the two main fire pumps are such that a fir e in one space can put both main fire pumps out of service, an emergency fire pump is required to be provided.
  2. Facility Management
  3. Force Maintenance
  4. Fielr Memo
  5. Field Memorandum
  6. Field Memory
  7. Force Main

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FM stand for Construction?

    FM stands for Field Memorandum in Construction terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Field Memorandum in Construction?

    The short form of "Field Memorandum" is FM for Construction.


FM in Construction. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

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