FM in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The FM meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Frequency Modulation". There are 12 related meanings of the FM Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

FM on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Frequency Modulation Frequency modulation is the modulation of a radio or other wave by variation of its frequency, especially to carry an audio signal.
  2. Figure of Merit The ratio of the maximum gain of a receiving antenna to the receiving system's equivalent noise temperature. This value is usually expressed in dB/K. It is a measure of the ability of an earth station to receive a satellite signal with good quality (high carrier-to-noise ratio). In general, the G/T increases with increasing antenna diameter.
  3. Financial Memorandum
  4. Fermium Symbol:"Fm" Atomic Number:"100" Atomic Mass: (257)amu. Fermium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is a radioactive and unstable element and you will not find it in use anywhere. The element was named after the physicist Enrico Ferme.
  5. Fathom A unit of length equal to 6 feet (1.8 m), roughly measured as the distance between a man's outstretched hands. This is particularly used to measure depth.
  6. Fluid Mechanics Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics which involves the study of fluids (liquids, gases, and plasmas) and the forces on them. Fluid mechanics can be divided into fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest, and fluid dynamics, the study of the effect of forces on fluid motion.
  7. Ferromagnetic The ability to become highly magnetic and have the ability to retain a permanent magnetic moment. The elementary magnetic dipoles inside the domain are all oriented in a direction parallel to each other. 
  8. Frequency Modulator
  9. 'FM' Frequency Modulation Radio Mode; 'Receive' Programming 88 Mhz to 108 Mhz.
  10. Flavin Mononucleotide Flavin mononucleotide, or riboflavin-5′-phosphate, is a biomolecule produced from riboflavin (vitamin B2) by the enzyme riboflavin kinase and functions as prosthetic group of various oxidoreductases including NADH dehydrogenase as well as cofactor in biological blue-light photo receptors. During the catalytic cycle, a reversible interconversion of the oxidized (FMN), semiquinone (FMNH•) and reduced (FMNH2) forms occurs in the various oxidoreductases.
  11. Flight Model
  12. From

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FM stand for Scientific & Educational?

    FM stands for Fluid Mechanics in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Flight Model in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Flight Model" is FM for Scientific & Educational.


FM in Scientific & Educational. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated