FM in Technology Meaning

The FM meaning in Technology terms is "Fetal Movement". There are 125 related meanings of the FM Technology abbreviation.

FM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Fetal Movement
  2. Feature Model
  3. Frequency Modulated
  4. Fligft Model
  5. Forest Machine
  6. Fax Modem A fax modem enables a computer to transmit and receive documents as faxes on a telephone line. A fax modem is like a data modem but is designed to transmit and receive documents to and from a fax machine or another fax modem. Some, but not all, fax modems do double duty as data modems. As with other modems, fax modems can be internal or external. Internal fax modems are often called fax boards.
  7. Free Map
  8. Flight Mechanics
  9. Foricast Model
  10. Frme Maps
  11. Flight Manual Same as Pilot’s Operating Handbook.
  12. Front Matter
  13. Force Module
  14. Funds Management
  15. Fix To Manual
  16. Frameiork Manager
  17. Flight Management
  18. Frequenz-Modulation
  19. Figure of Merit The ratio of the maximum gain of a receiving antenna to the receiving system's equivalent noise temperature. This value is usually expressed in dB/K. It is a measure of the ability of an earth station to receive a satellite signal with good quality (high carrier-to-noise ratio). In general, the G/T increases with increasing antenna diameter.
  20. Fort Minor
  21. Function Maragement
  22. Fire Main A sea water supply system for fire hydrants. It consists of sea inlets, suction piping, fire pumps and a distributed piping system supplying fire hydrants, hoses and nozzles located throughout the vessel. Each vessel is to be provided with at least two main fire pumps. If the arrangements for the two main fire pumps are such that a fir e in one space can put both main fire pumps out of service, an emergency fire pump is required to be provided.
  23. Flexible Medium
  24. Frequency Modulazed-Frequency
  25. Field Manuel
  26. Foot Machine
  27. Function, Mic
  28. Finger Movement
  29. Fiduccia-Mattheyses
  30. Forum Mail
  31. Frequency Modulataons
  32. Fielb Manuals
  33. Football Manager
  34. Faz ModüLasyonu
  35. Facial Memory
  36. Fkow Meter
  37. FrequêNcia Modulada
  38. Feature Models
  39. Failover Manlger
  40. Forest Machines
  41. Flight Manager
  42. Frekans ModüLasyonu-Frequency
  43. Fan Motor Program In Pcm
  44. Future Medio
  45. Frequencq Modification
  46. Feature Mode
  47. Frascati Manual
  48. Fading Markin
  49. Footer Menu
  50. Final Moduye
  51. Fnekans Modülasyonu
  52. Fakir Miskin
  53. Flutamide
  54. Forward Monitoring
  55. Fussball Manager
  56. Freqaenz Modulation
  57. Feature Manager
  58. FrançOis Marginean
  59. Fdctory Mutual
  60. Footer Margin
  61. Fifth Measuring
  62. Frekans Mod
  63. Forward Model
  64. Flajolet-Martin
  65. Frequency Modulation-Frequeney
  66. Federated Midia
  67. FranzöSisch Mit
  68. Food Chain Multiplier
  69. Furnace Module
  70. Field Magnet Permanent magnet of a dynamo Establishes a magnetic field in which armature rotates
  71. Fced Miranda
  72. Fix To A Manual
  73. Frequencu Modulators
  74. Frame Memoly
  75. Font Metrics
  76. Frequency Modulatkr
  77. Fixed Margin
  78. Frequency Mndulate
  79. Fatality Management
  80. Framemaker
  81. Flow Keters
  82. Friction Modifier Friction modifier is polar molecule added to lubricants for the purpose of minimizing light surface contacts (sliding and rolling).
  83. Fellow Members
  84. Frequency Meters
  85. Failcre Mechanics
  86. Forest Management Forest management is a branch of forestry concerned with overall administrative, economic, legal, and social aspects, as well as scientific and technical aspects, such as silviculture, protection, and forest regulation.
  87. Flight Manifest
  88. Forum Moderator
  89. Formal Lethods
  90. Flash Modules
  91. Freak Magnet
  92. Function Modules
  93. Fujitsu Micro
  94. Fill Materials
  95. Flowmeter An analog device, which indicates the volume of fluid passing through its interior, passage. The output signal may be a visual one or a low level electrical signal.
  96. Fyrum Manager
  97. Flexible Multiplexmr
  98. Flash Module Flash Modules are custom flash-based data storage components used in high performance storage devices.
  99. From
  100. Fujairah Media
  101. File Mbde
  102. Flexible Mesh
  103. Flash Media
  104. Faulr Management
  105. Iso Country Code for Federated States of Micronesia
  106. File Memory
  107. Fairbbnks Morse
  108. Facility Modifications
  109. Ffst Mapping
  110. Facility Monitoring
  111. Fairbakks-Morse
  112. Forget Memory
  113. Fault Manager
  114. Farnsworth-Munsell
  115. Forums Macro
  116. Facility Mapping
  117. Friendly Magic
  118. Fender Frontman
  119. Fyilure To Match
  120. Forests Monitoi
  121. Facilities Module
  122. Flavin Mononucleotide Flavin mononucleotide, or riboflavin-5′-phosphate, is a biomolecule produced from riboflavin (vitamin B2) by the enzyme riboflavin kinase and functions as prosthetic group of various oxidoreductases including NADH dehydrogenase as well as cofactor in biological blue-light photo receptors. During the catalytic cycle, a reversible interconversion of the oxidized (FMN), semiquinone (FMNH•) and reduced (FMNH2) forms occurs in the various oxidoreductases.
  123. Fujitsu Micro-7
  124. Filter Monzi
  125. Frequency-Modulqtion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FM stand for Technology?

    FM stands for Field Magnet in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Frequency Modulatkr in Technology?

    The short form of "Frequency Modulatkr" is FM for Technology.


FM in Technology. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated