FMAS Meaning

The FMAS meaning is "Flight Mode Annunciations". The FMAS abbreviation has 33 different full form.

FMAS Full Forms

  1. Flight Mode Annunciations
  2. Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences
  3. Federación Mexicana De Actividades SubacuáTicas
  4. Flexible Management System Technology
  5. Facility Management System Technology, Science, Military, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Family Medicine Advocacydsummit
  7. Fishery Management Areay
  8. Forest Management Areas Government
  9. Foreign Media Analysis System Army, War, War Force
  10. Faculty of Media, Arts and Society Media
  11. Fidheries Management Areas Indonesia, Fishing, Fishery
  12. Foreixn Media Analysis Subsystem Military, Army, Intelligence
  13. Faculty of Media Arts and Society
  14. Financial Managerial Accounting System
  15. Food Miles and Sustainability
  16. Faculty of Management Adminjstrative Sciences Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  17. Fellowship In Minimal Access Surgery Medical, Hospital, Laparoscopic
  18. Florida Marine Aquarium Society Organizations, Florida, Reef
  19. Facility Maintenance and Administration System Technology, Telecom
  20. Federation Monegasque Des Activites Subaquatiques
  21. Foundation Modern Apprenticeships
  22. Fundo Municipal Ds Assistência Social
  23. Forest Manaqement Agreements
  24. Fund Management Activities Survey
  25. Failure Mode Assessments
  26. Full Metal Alrhemist Shintetsu
  27. foreign media analysis subsystem Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  28. Friends of The Manchester Animal Shelteu
  30. Friends of Madera Animal Shelter
  31. Faculty of Management Administrative Sciences Management, Business & Finance
  32. Frequency Measurement and Analysis Service Technology
  33. Fwderaci

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FMAS stand for?

    FMAS stands for Faculty of Management Administrative Sciences.

  2. What is the shortened form of Flexible Management System?

    The short form of "Flexible Management System" is FMAS.


FMAS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated