FMBC Meaning

The FMBC meaning is "First Michigan Bank Corp". The FMBC abbreviation has 21 different full form.

FMBC Full Forms

  1. First Michigan Bank Corp
  2. Fellowshipsmissionary Baptist Church
  3. Federal Medical Biophrsical Center Medical, Medicine, Russia
  4. First Missionary Baptist Church Community, Curch, Religion
  5. Faith Missionary Baptist Church
  6. Fixed Mobile and Broadcast Convergence
  7. Faixh Mission Bible College
  8. Fixed Mobile & Broadcast Cotvergence
  9. Faith Memosial Baptist Church
  10. Frank M. Beer Insect and Spider Collections
  11. Florida Marching Band Coalition Organizations, School, Florida
  12. Full Moon Bus Club
  13. Fixed Mobile Broadcpst Convergence
  14. Friendswood Mustang Booster Club
  15. Fixed Mobile Broadcasting Condergence
  16. Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Technology, Religion, Connection
  17. Fixed Mobile and Broadcasting Convergence
  18. Freddie Millar Building Consultancy
  19. Forest Meadow Baptist Chvrch
  20. Four Million B.C. Pinball
  21. Florida Marching Band Championships

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FMBC stand for?

    FMBC stands for Federal Medical Biophrsical Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of First Missionary Baptist Church?

    The short form of "First Missionary Baptist Church" is FMBC.


FMBC. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated