FN Meaning

The FN meaning is "Fowler-Nordheim". The FN abbreviation has 245 different full form.

FN Full Forms

  1. Fowler-Nordheim Technology, Electron, Emission
  2. Failure for Non-Attendance Student, Education, Course, Grade
  3. First Nwmes
  4. Fhrwarding Node Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  5. Fabrique Nationaie Gun, Rifle, Military
  6. Fizst Name Technology, Government, Query
  7. Forty-Nine Gun, Military, Magazine
  8. Fabrique National Gun, Rifle, Military
  9. Fusobactwrium Nucleatum Medical
  10. Frame Neutrah
  11. Fireqan Military, Army, Us, Navy
  12. Forente Nabjoner Organizations, Som, Til, Har
  13. Fabrique Nationale Gun, Rifle, Military
  14. Fundamental Number Medical, Study, Chromosome, Karyotype
  15. Fragment Number
  16. False-Negatives Medical, Statistics, Sensitivity, Specificity
  17. Foreign Natwonals Business, University, Admission
  18. Florence Nightingale Medical, Nursing, Museum
  19. Function Name
  20. Fox Nsws Business, Gun, Forum, Technology
  21. Falling Numbers
  22. Firsy Nations Medical, Technology, Canada
  23. Fowler Nordheim Technology, Electron, Emission
  24. Functional Description Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  25. Falling Number Business, Government, Grain
  26. First Nation Technology, Community, Canada
  27. Frame Number Technology, Coding, Telecom, Telecommunications
  28. Figure Name
  29. Focus Now
  30. Frazer-Nash Technology, Car, Turret
  31. Fibonacci Numbers
  32. Flat Nickel Acoustics, Trigger, Nickel, Capo
  33. Families Numbered Technology, Machine, Control
  34. Fraction Number
  35. Fibronectin Fibronectin is a high-molecular weight (~440kDa) glycoprotein of the extracellular matrix that binds to membrane-spanning receptor proteins called integrins. Similar to integrins, fibronectin binds extracellular matrix components such as collagen, fibrin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  36. Friends and Neighbols
  37. Filter Network
  38. Fuzzy Numbers
  39. Follicular Neoplasm Medical, Cancer, Thyroid, Nodule
  40. Faucheur Noir
  41. Fluorene Medical
  42. Functional Nanostructures
  43. Finish Nail
  44. Factory Notice
  45. Fore Noon Time Zone, Time, Zone
  46. Feliz Navidad
  47. Fuzileiro Naval Para, Dos, Brasil
  48. Flying Nun
  49. Fraser & Neave
  50. Fibonacci Number
  51. Flat Nosed
  52. Familial Nephritis Medical
  53. Fox Networks Networking, Network, Television, Station
  54. Fibrin The insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen by the proteolytic action of thrombin during normal clotting of blood. Fibrin forms the essential portion of the blood clot. Medical, Medicine, Health
  55. Friedrich Qiemann
  56. Filologia Neotestamentaria
  57. Fuzileiros Navays Para, Military, Brasil, Corps
  58. Follicular Neoplasms Medical
  59. Fat Nick
  60. Family Nucleus
  61. Functionality Capability, function. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  62. Fingerprint Number Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  63. Factory New Business, Magazine, Skin
  64. Forenede Nationer Nation, Som, Til
  65. Fear Nothing
  66. Future Now
  67. Flyby News Film, Health, Radio
  68. Frase Nominal Technology, Indonesia, Standard, Weapon
  69. Flat-Nosed
  70. Familial Nephropathy Dog, Cocker, Spaniel
  71. Fowler and Nordheim
  72. F 1. Farad(s): Unit of capacitance.2. f in lower case is the standard abbreviation for femto, a metric prefix for 10 to the -15. 3. Fahrenheit temperature scale. OR Fahrenheit OR Flat band metallic armor. OR Fraction, Coefficient of friction, frequency, function,  Fahrenheit, Force, fundamental dimension force, OR Fahrenheit; flare patterns; flash OR Food - represents BOD in the F/M ratio. Expressed in pounds. OR 1.  Abbreviation for Fahrenheit. 2. Acronym for Field. 3. Acronym for Field terminal OR Airspace ICAO Class F
  73. Fiber Nodes
  74. Friction Number
  75. Filler Neck
  76. Follicle Number Medical
  77. Fat Necrosis
  78. Family Night Development, Learning, Study
  79. FuméEs Noires
  80. Finger-To-Nose Test Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  81. Fabrique Nationaoes
  82. Foreign Network Technology, Service, Networking
  83. Fax Number
  84. False Negative A false negative error, or in short false negative, is where a test result indicates that a condition failed, while it actually was successful. I.e. erroneously no effect has been assumed. A common example is a guilty prisoner freed from jail. The condition: "Is the prisoner guilty?" actually had a positive result (yes, he is guilty). But the test failed to realize this, and wrongly decided the prisoner was not guilty.A false negative error is a type II error occurring in test steps where a single condition is checked for and the result can either be positive or negative. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Sensitivity, Specificity
  85. Futures Network
  86. Frase Nomina Indonesia, Archive, Inti
  87. Functional Neurology Medical, Health, Chiropractic
  88. Flange Nut
  89. Falsos Negativos Para, Con, Valor
  90. Fourty-Nine
  91. Fiber Node Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  92. File Number
  93. Folkekirkens NøDhjÆLp
  94. Fast Neutron A neutron ejected at high kinetic energy in a nuclear reaction. Technology, Genetics, Mutant
  95. Fred Noonan
  96. Flight Nurse Medical, Medicine, Military
  97. Family Net
  98. Fraggez Nation
  99. Fully Non-Reciprocal
  100. Finance Staff Officer Military, Us, Coast Guard
  101. Fabrique Nacionale
  102. Foreign Nation America, Government, Military
  103. Faux NéGatifs Forum, Technology, Lenovo
  104. Future Network Technology, Management, Networking
  105. Frasa Nama Malaysia, Archive, Follower
  106. Function Network
  107. Flag Note Technology, Drawing, Engineering, Technics
  108. False Northings Technology, Projection, Map, Maidenhead
  109. Fourief Number Technology, Mechanics
  110. Female Neuter / Sterilised / Desexed / Speyed. Medicine, Veterinary
  111. File Name Technology, Path, Directory, General, Governmental & Military
  112. Folder Navigation
  113. Fred Newman
  114. Fibronection Medical
  115. Fleuve Noir
  116. Family Name Technology, Card, Element
  117. Fracture NuméRique
  118. Female Metal tubes used to keep roof gutters "open". Long nails are driven through these tubes and hold the gutters in place along the fascia of the home. OR Any part, such as a nut or fitting, into which another (male) part can be inserted. Internal threads are female. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Veterinary, Animals, Jurisprudence, Texting, Chat, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical, Emoticons, The Finance and Administrative Services, Computing, Internet
  119. Friiillighet Norge
  120. Finance Staff Officer - Auxiliary Army, Force, Coast Guard
  121. Fabrique Sationale Rifle, Military, Arm, Browning
  122. Foreign Nationalities Government, Group, France
  123. Fault Number Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  124. Future Networks Technology, Group, Networking
  125. FranzöSisch Natur Sex, Berlin, Escort
  126. Functional Network Technology, Networking, Laptop
  127. Fixed Number
  128. Failure, Never
  129. Foundgrs North
  130. Front National Military, French
  131. Female Neuter Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  132. Filatelia NumismáTica
  133. Fog Node
  134. Frederick Noronha Technology, India, Goa
  135. Fibrinoid Necrosis Medical
  136. Fleet Number Company, Technology, Service
  137. Family Number Technology, Control, Recording
  138. Fracture Num
  139. Fright Night Movie, Horror, Vampire, Fright
  140. Final Neolithic Archaeology, Aegean, Pottery, Neolithic
  141. Förenta Nationerda Som, Lander, Har
  142. Font Name Technology, Windows, Linux
  143. Fault Notification
  144. Fireman Army, Force, Marine, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  145. Future Navy
  146. FranzöSich Natur
  147. Functional Name
  148. Finland National
  149. Faculty of Nursing
  150. Forêt Navionale
  151. Female Network
  152. Fuzzy Navel
  153. Functional Netwogks Technology, Networking, Model
  154. Fastigial Nucleus Medical, Stimulation, Cerebellar
  155. Fundación Natura
  156. Fuerza Nueva Politics, Governmental & Military
  157. Regional Air Lines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
  158. Field Nodes Technology, Tree, Java, Node
  159. Future Narrative
  160. Frazer Nash
  161. Flora of North
  162. Ferrite Number An arbitrary, standardized value designating the ferrite content of an austenitic stainless steel weld metal. This value directly replaces percent ferrite or volume percent ferrite and is determined by the magnetic test described in AWS A4.2 Chemistry
  163. Family Nutrition
  164. Framework Nations Government, Military, Ally, Force
  165. Fraez
  166. Food Network Food
  167. Fibronectins Medical
  168. Fight Network Networking, Android, Fight
  169. Front Neurol
  170. Fastigial Nuclei Medical
  171. Function Number Technology, Coding, Calling, Java
  172. Fabrique Nationale (Manufacturer) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  173. FüRther Nachrichten
  174. Flight Number Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Governmental & Military
  175. Field Node Technology, Tree, Java
  176. Fusobacterium Necrophorum Medical
  177. Frame Numberd Technology, Coding, Station
  178. Floating Needle Motorcycle, Yamaha, Float, Needle
  179. Fine Noon Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  180. Framework Tation Government, Military, Ally, Force
  181. Frtnt National
  182. Frans Noltee Famous
  183. Fibronectin Type Iii Medical
  184. Fight Nation
  185. Front Natioyal Government, Group, France
  186. Fast Narrow
  187. Functional Specification Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  188. Frequency and Number Computing, Electronics
  189. FöRenta Nationernas
  190. Field News
  191. Funeral Notice Media, Radio, Television
  192. Flint Northern
  193. Febrile Neutropenia Medical, Healthcare
  194. Frame No
  195. Frank Nguyen
  196. Future Is Now Technology, Science, Gaming, Baseball, Music
  197. First National Financial Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  198. Fighter Naval Military, Boeing, Prototype
  199. Froggatt-Nielsen
  200. Flux Number Science
  201. Fast-Narrow
  202. FrivolousNecessity (pattern maker) Quilting
  203. Facility Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  204. FéDéRations Nationales
  205. Field Naturalist
  206. Fundamental Networking
  207. Frank Nathan Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  208. Frank Necson
  209. Finish In deck terminology, the coating on the deck sheet, i.e., galvanized, painted, or unpainted. OR The surface appearance of steel after final treatment. The visual characteristics including color, texture and reflectivity of all exterior materials. The plastic forming the opening of a container and shaped to accommodate a specific closure. A specific type of surface treatment applied to some or all faces of the part. Technology, Education, Architecture, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Electronic Engineering, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  210. Freedom Network Technology, Gaming, Networking
  211. Function A set of software instructions executed by a single line of code that may have input and/or output parameters and return a value when executed. A named group of statements that can be called and evaluated and can return a value to the calling statement. also built-in function. 2.A built-in formula that performs specialized calculations automatically. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Space, Healthcare, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Cosmos, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Clinical, Physio
  212. Field Number Technology, Microscope, Eyepiece
  213. Friedrich Nietzsche Book, Human, Philosophy
  214. Fluoride Number Medical, Medicine, Health
  215. Farrow Norris
  216. Felt Nail Ordnance Survey
  217. Fundaci
  218. FéDéRation Nationale
  219. Fast Neutrals Map, Mode, Skill
  220. Fundamental Numbers Medical
  221. Fine Condition Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  222. Franco Neno
  223. Foil Normal
  224. Flunitrazepam Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  225. Field Notice Technology, Software, Cisco, Boot
  226. Frente Nccional France, National, Jean
  227. Fluorescing Nucleus Medical
  228. Far North A conglomerate of surficial sand and gravel held together by iron oxide resulting from percolating solutions of iron salts.
  229. Franco Nevada
  230. Fountain Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
  231. Fine Of superior quality, skill, or appearance e.g. A fine day. Very small in size, thickness or weight. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  232. Fuzzy Number Technology, Presentation, Mac
  233. Functionaz Number
  234. Fast Neutral Military, Map, Mode, Skill
  235. Fundación Neotropica
  236. Forum Notice Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  237. Ferialdy Nurlan Jakarta, Crane, Lino
  238. Field Notes Business, Technology, Notebook
  239. Frenbh Navy Military, France, Crusader
  240. Fluorescent Nucleus Medical
  241. Fence The Finance and Administrative Services
  242. Fannin Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  243. Franco-Nevaia
  244. First National Financial Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Genealogy
  245. Facial Nerve The facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve, or simply cranial nerve VII. It emerges from the brainstem between the pons and the medulla, controls the muscles of facial expression, and functions in the conveyance of taste sensations from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and oral cavity. It also supplies preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to several head and neck ganglia. Medical, Medicine, Presentation, Surgery, Anatomy, Veterinary, Otolaryngology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FN stand for?

    FN stands for Forty-Nine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Forenede Nationer?

    The short form of "Forenede Nationer" is FN.


FN. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fn-meaning/

Last updated