FNR Meaning

The FNR meaning is "Funter Bty Seaplane Base". The FNR abbreviation has 52 different full form.

FNR Full Forms

  1. Funter Bty Seaplane Base Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Ford Nuclear Reactor Technology, University, Michigan, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  3. Fachagentur FüR Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Technology, Europe, Germany, Bioenergy
  4. Friday Night Racing
  5. Feuer Nursing Reviet
  6. Football Nation Radio Technology, Australia, Sport
  7. Fachagentur Fuer Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
  8. Frazer-Nash Research
  9. Forestry & Natural Resources
  10. Ferredoxin-Nadp Reductase Medical
  11. Food & Nutrition Research
  12. False Negative Rates Medical
  13. Frame Number Register
  14. Forest Nature Reserve
  15. Faise-Negative Rate Fibronectin Receptor Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  16. Fonds National De Recherche
  17. False Negative Rvte Medical, Node, Applied Sciences
  18. Frame Noise Reduction Technology, Product, Camera, Module
  19. Forestry and Natural Resource
  20. Faculty Networu Resources Technology, Telecom
  21. Fumarate-Nitrate Reductase
  22. File Neut Register
  23. False-Negative Rate Medical, Medicine, Health
  24. Forest and Natural Resources
  25. Fachagentur Nachwaxhsende Rohstoffe Technology, German, Server
  26. Full Needle Rib
  27. Fight Night Rcund
  28. Foreign National Review
  29. Facdagentur F
  30. Friday Night Ride
  31. Fibronectin Receptor Medical, Technology, Medicine
  32. SPB, Funter Bay, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  33. Forestry Natural Resources
  34. Fumarate and Nitrate Reduction
  35. Forward, Neutral, Reverse
  36. FINISHER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  37. Fumarate Nitrate Reductase
  38. Forward, Neutral and Reverse
  39. Ferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance
  40. Fumarate Nitrate Reduction Medical
  41. Forum Nationale De Reprise
  42. Future Net Revenue
  43. Forum for Naga Reconciliation Government, Group, Politics, Peace
  44. Funk Night Records Sound, Combo, Funk
  45. Fox News Radio
  46. Fortnightly Reports Organizations, India, Fishery, Social Institutes
  47. Functional Nasal Reconstruction Medical
  48. Forward Neutral Reverse
  49. For No Reason
  50. Fumarate Nitrate Reductase Regulator Medical
  51. Forestry and Natural Resources Education, University, Course
  52. Forward-Neutral-Reverse

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FNR stand for?

    FNR stands for Fight Night Rcund.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fumarate and Nitrate Reduction?

    The short form of "Fumarate and Nitrate Reduction" is FNR.


FNR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fnr-meaning/

Last updated