FNT Meaning

The FNT meaning is "Failure Notification Telex". The FNT abbreviation has 46 different full form.

FNT Full Forms

  1. Failure Notification Telex Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  2. Forging New Tomorrows
  3. Free Number Terminating Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Facility Network Technology Technology, Management, Service, Software
  5. Fiber Network Training
  6. Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling Technology, Memory, Gate, Voltage
  7. Fachverband Niedergelassener Tierheilpraktiker Ern, Tier, Mich
  8. Fiber Network Tools
  9. Bishop International Airport Flint, Michigan,United States Government, Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Fire, Airport Code, ICAO Code, Ambulance Service, ICAO, Michigan, Aviation
  10. Four Noble Truths
  11. Face Negotiation Theory
  12. Festivalului Naional De Teatru
  13. Forum Nacional Do Trabalho
  14. Fascinating New Thing
  15. Frente Nacional De Trabajadores
  16. Festivalul Naional De Teatru
  17. Formate Nitrite Transporter
  18. Front A boundary between two different air masses. The difference between two air masses sometimes is unnoticeable. But when the colliding air masses have very different temperatures and amounts of water in them, turbulent weather can erupt. The boundary between two air masses. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
  19. FéDéRation Nationale Du Tourisme
  20. Frente Nacional De Los Trabajadores Para, Con, Nicaragua
  21. Ferrite Noise Trap
  22. Formate-Nitrite Transporter Technology, Protein, Family
  23. FéDéRation Nationale Des Transports
  24. Fairmont Railway Organizations
  25. Freestyle National Tour
  26. Factor De Necrosis Tumoral
  27. FáBrica Nacional De Toledo
  28. Fractional Needling Therapy
  29. Friday Night Tech
  30. Fusion Nuclear Technology Technology, Research, Symposium
  31. L-3 Communications Flight Internation Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  32. Finger-Nose Test
  33. Friday Night Tailgate
  34. Windows Font File Computing, File Extensions
  35. Fundo Nacional De Telecomunica
  36. Iata Code for Bishop International Airport, Fliit, Michigan, United States Locations
  37. Friday Night Theology
  38. Fernando de Noronha Time Time Zones
  39. Fundo Nacional De TelecomunicaçÕEs
  40. Förderkleis Neue Technologien
  41. Bishop International Airport, Flint, Michigan, United States Michigan, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  42. Fuerza Nacional Del Trabajo
  43. Font file (many) Computing, File Extensions
  44. Frontline Communications Corp. Organizations
  45. Frontier Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  46. Friday Night Throwdown

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FNT stand for?

    FNT stands for Friday Night Tech.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fundo Nacional De TelecomunicaçÕEs?

    The short form of "Fundo Nacional De TelecomunicaçÕEs" is FNT.


FNT. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fnt-meaning/

Last updated