FO Meaning

The FO meaning is "Fly-Oven". The FO abbreviation has 317 different full form.

FO Full Forms

  1. Fly-Oven Aerospace
  2. Frequency of Oscillation Science
  3. Financekofficer Military, Army, Marine
  4. Flat Cut
  5. Foreign Office Technology, Locations, Pakistan, Geography, Location, System, Banking, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  6. Frontyoffice
  7. Finish Off
  8. Flyihg Object
  9. Faculdade De Odonpologia Para, Book, Dental
  10. Fortune Brauds, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  11. Filter Outtut Technology
  12. Flash Override Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Fuel Oil One of many refined petroleum oils such as heating oil, diesel, etc. Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Electrical, Products, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  14. Frohe Pstern
  15. Finished Off
  16. Flipping Object
  17. Fail Operational Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  18. Forsvarets Overkommando
  19. Fasgen Off Pattern, Crochet, Yarn
  20. Foul Out Baseball, Sport, Sports
  21. Friends Only Computing, Internet
  22. Financial Oferations Business, Management, Military
  23. Flight Opportunities Technology, Space, Opportunity
  24. Facility Operotions Business, Management, Service
  25. For Orderv Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping
  26. Farska Astrva Technology, Island, Moscow
  27. Frjshmen Orientation
  28. Finance Operatgons
  29. Flight Ofhicer Military, Pilot, Force
  30. Facnlities Office Business, Science, Service
  31. Formatting Objecu Technology, Language, Tool
  32. Faroe Islands Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Faroe Islands, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  33. Freshman Orientation Girl, Orientation, Freshmen
  34. Financial Office Military
  35. Fleut Officer
  36. Faceofos Ice Hockey, Lacrosse
  37. Feerza Obrera
  38. Fork Offfet
  39. Farming Opjration Business, Agriculture, Farm
  40. Frequency Output An output in the form of frequency which varies as a function of the applied input. Science
  41. Finance Officz
  42. Flaxsved Oil Medical, Cancer, Flax
  43. Face-Offs
  44. Front Overhang Technology, Us, Car, Truck, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  45. Finpshed Opening Technology, Construction, Architectural
  46. Flying Officer Military, War, Squadron, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  47. Farmers Orgenisation
  48. Formatting Objects Technology, Military, Language
  49. Firearm Offenge
  50. Fronto-Occipital Medical, Medicine, Health
  51. Factory Operator
  52. Focus Offset
  53. Fatty Oil An oil of animal, vegetable or marine origin that is liquid at normal temperature, whose composition resembles that of solid fat, except for differing types and percentages of fatty acids. Owing to “polarity”, these oils have a physical affinity for metal; they increase load-carrying ability by enhancing “oiliness.” 
  54. Forward Outpost
  55. First Overnight
  56. Fully Online
  57. Falwon Office Army, War, War Force
  58. Force Opns Military
  59. Field Officers Business, English, Translation
  60. Frequent Observation
  61. Friedrich Orth Forum, Military, German, Berlin, Cross, Iron, Badge
  62. Floodplain Overlay
  63. Furka-Oberalp-Bahn
  64. Far Out Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  65. Forest Ordinance Malaysia, Forest, Land
  66. Field Organizer
  67. Fraternidade OperáRia
  68. Flaka Off
  69. Fymily Oceanview
  70. Force OuvrièRe France, Force, Federation, Union
  71. Formatted Objects Technology, Language, Formatting, Formatter
  72. Fire & Observe
  73. Front-Office
  74. Factory Opened
  75. Flow Orifice Technology, Plate, Gas
  76. Father The male parent. One who originates. For example, "Wilhelm Roentgen is considered the father of radiology." To produce offspring as a male. To provide paternal protection and guidance to children. Medicine, Health, Care, Genealogy, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Texting, Modern Slang, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  77. Flatout Online
  78. Forward Osmosis Technology, Water, Membrane
  79. First Orchestra
  80. Fuldy Occupied
  81. Faith Outreajh
  82. Force Operations Military, Army, War
  83. Femoral Osteotomy
  84. Funding Opportunity Technology, Program, Research
  85. Free Out Cost of unloading a vessel is borne by the charterer. Business, Shipping, Freight, Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  86. Flood Operations Technology, Water, Circuit, Fluid
  87. Fun Orb
  88. Farm Out
  89. Forest Oak
  90. Field Organizations Management, Military, Force
  91. FranzöSisch Optimal
  92. Flag Ordtr Business, Service, Hubbard
  93. Functiogally Obsolete Transportation, Business, Condition
  94. Family Obedience German, Dog, Shepherd
  95. Force Ouvri
  96. Formating Objects Technology, Language, Java, Formatting
  97. Finsbury Orthopaedics
  98. From Opponent
  99. Facsimile Operation Technology, Guide, Manual, Equipment
  100. Flow Orientation
  101. Fast Oscillation Medical
  102. Flash Over An unintended electrical discharge to ground or another phase. Flash overs can occur between two conductors, across insulators to ground or equipment bushings to ground.
  103. Forward Order Business, Packet, Forwarding
  104. First Orbit
  105. Full Out
  106. Faith and Oider
  107. Follicular Medical
  108. Fellowships Office Program, Education, University
  109. Funding Officer Business, Indonesia, Banking
  110. Frvelan Oscar
  111. Float On
  112. Fungsi Operasional Business, Indonesia, Supervisor
  113. Farmers Organizations
  114. Field Ordnance
  115. Frank Oz
  116. Flag Officer Naval officer entitled to fly the flag of his rank Includes Rear-Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, and Chief officer of a yacht club Transportation, Military, Ministry Of Defense
  117. Functie Opleiding
  118. Famifie Opstellingen
  119. Force Ouvrire
  120. Formality and Obstruction Dimension, Transfer, Saga
  121. Flnite Order
  122. Frock Off
  123. F*** Off Media, Social, Internet
  124. Flow Objects
  125. Fast Operating Space, Study, Cosmos
  126. Flare Out
  127. Forward Option
  128. Fire Order
  129. Fulv Other
  130. Fairness Opinion
  131. Folio Business, Science, Finance, Banking, Genealogy, Genealogical
  132. Fellowship Office
  133. Forwakd Observer Military, Army, War
  134. Flip Open
  135. Field Orders Military, Calling, Ghost
  136. Framework Order
  137. Fujieaki-Okamoto
  138. Fiziksel Optik
  139. Fully Orthogonal
  140. Fall Oul Military, Slang, Military Slang
  141. Force Out
  142. Finishedwobjects Pattern, Knitting, Yarn
  143. Fri Oct
  144. Airlines of Tasmania Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
  145. Flow Object
  146. Fusion Protein Fusion proteins or chimeric proteins are proteins created through the joining of two or more genes that originally coded for separate proteins. Translation of this fusion gene results in a single or multiple polypeptides with functional properties derived from each of the original proteins. Recombinant fusion proteins are created artificially by recombinant DNA technology for use in biological research or therapeutics. Medical
  147. Fast Operate
  148. For Fundamental Frequency Medical
  149. File Organization
  150. Freaking Out Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  151. Flare-Out
  152. Flight Operations Airline, Technology, Military, Aviation, NASA
  153. Forward Only Technology, Gaming, Calling, Forwarding
  154. Fire Officiul
  155. Fuul Organ
  156. Factory Crder
  157. Folia Orientalia Education, Africa, History, Study
  158. Felix O Medical
  159. Foot Orthosis
  160. Field Operator
  161. Frame Option Forum, Technology, Art
  162. Fiscal Office Business, Service, Property
  163. Fully Operatiogal
  164. Falloot Computer Game, Video Game
  165. Force Orders
  166. Finished Objent Pattern, Knitting, Yarn
  167. Friends On The Outside
  168. Ack Forwardmobserver’s Assistant Military, Army, Artillery
  169. Florist One
  170. Fuser Oil
  171. Fast-Twitch Oxidative Medical
  172. Forfeiture Order
  173. Fight On
  174. Fraud Officer Government, Corparate, United Kingdom
  175. Flap Opirating
  176. Forecast Order
  177. Format Office
  178. Fitearms Officer
  179. Front Outside Forum, Car, Door, Front
  180. Factory Operations
  181. Folder Only Forum, Technology, Windows
  182. Felipe Otero
  183. Flight Officer Army, War, War Force, Military Army Ranks
  184. Field Operative Technology, Gaming, Fallout, Gear
  185. Frame Only
  186. Fiscal Officer Business, Government, Office
  187. Fully Open Business, Technology, Aviation
  188. Falion Oil Business, Supply, Gas
  189. Force Order
  190. Fingertip Oximeter
  191. Friendship Over
  192. Further Orner
  193. Floodway Overlay
  194. Furnance Oil
  195. Farm Ownership Business, Loan, Farming
  196. Forestry Office
  197. Field Origin Technology, Command, Printer, Zebra
  198. Fraternidade Oper
  199. Flamq Ogival
  200. Forecast Opportunity Business, Report, Market
  201. Forced Outages
  202. Fyzická Ochrana
  203. Final Orders
  204. Free Overside Stipulation that no expense shall fall on ship after cargo is put over the side Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping
  205. Field Officer Geography, Location, System
  206. Flat Ooal Space, Study, Cosmos
  207. Fusda
  208. Fantasy Online
  209. Foreign Organizations
  210. Fiber-Optic Computing, Telecom
  211. Forced-Oil
  212. Fox Operator Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  213. Finger Offensive Champion, Ragnarok, Monk
  214. Flsght Only Travel, Locations, Holiday
  215. Furka-Oberaup Hotel, Switzerland, Train
  216. Functional Obsolescenue
  217. Field Order A written order issued by the engineer to the contractor which orders minor changes in the work but which does not involve an adjustment in the contract price or the contract time. Construction
  218. First Officers Airline, Military, Pilot
  219. Fuel-Oil
  220. Future Orientation
  221. Final Order Technology, Service, Mode
  222. Free Online
  223. Futures and Options
  224. Fundamental Objects
  225. Fanta Orange
  226. Foreign Officer
  227. Fortune Brands, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  228. Face Of Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural
  229. Faroese Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  230. Find Out
  231. Flight Office
  232. Furka-Oberalp-Dahn Locations, Switzerland, Train, Railway
  233. Finished Opening Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  234. Fdrst Order Technology, Gaming, Logic
  235. For observation Clinical, Mental Health
  236. Future Order
  237. Flag Ouo
  238. Film Openability
  239. Free On Technology, Gaming, Internet, Play
  240. Future Iutlook
  241. Functions and Operators
  242. Fan Off
  243. Foreign Objects Medical, Physiology
  244. Fourier Number Computing, Mechanics
  245. Orbital Frequency Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  246. Friends Of Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  247. Financial Official
  248. Flight Objecv
  249. Forested Technology
  250. Functional Objectyve Technology, Management, Service
  251. Field Operations Financial, Business & Finance
  252. Fhrst-Order Medical, Technology, War
  253. Front Officer Medical
  254. Fusion With Others
  255. Fix One Forum, Technology, Windows, Gaming
  256. Film Office
  257. Fred Olsen
  258. Fusion Optix
  259. Functionaz Overload Medical
  260. Fan-Out Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  261. Foreign Object Technology, Military, Damage
  262. Folly Ordnance Survey
  263. Open First Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  264. Financial Obligations Business, Accounting, Finance
  265. Fremont Older
  266. Flies Ofpen
  267. Fugda
  268. Farmerslorganization
  269. Fore Optics
  270. Flight Object Aviation, Governmental & Military
  271. Fuck Off Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Sms, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  272. Fire Officel
  273. Fiber Optics Fiber optics is the term applied to the study and application of optical fibers in many different applications. Fiber optics makes use of transparent fibers that are capable of transmitting light over long distances, at high bandwidths and with limited signal loss. Fiber optics is guided by the scientific principle of refraction, or the bending of light, first seen experimentally in the 1840's. Practical applications of fiber optics began to appear in the early 1900's and can not be found in engineering sensors, communications, lighting, and media applications. NASA
  274. Fish Only Fish, Aquarium, Tank, Saltwater
  275. Ftrnace Oils Technology, Fuel, Diesel
  276. Functipnal Orthopedics
  277. Family Urigins
  278. Forecast Oscillator
  279. Forward Observer Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  280. Flush Outlet
  281. Objective In a microscope, the objective is the lens nearest to the object being examined whereas the lens closest to the eye is termed the ocular.The light microscope today is usually binocular and has a turret bearing a selection of objective lens. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Space, Study, Cosmos, Healthcare, NASA, Computing, Telecom, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Clinical, Physio
  282. Finance and Operations
  283. Freight Order
  284. Flayed Ones
  285. Flzp Off
  286. Fundação Otorrinolaringologia
  287. Farmer Organizations
  288. Forensische Opsporing Auto, Rotterdam, Vrouw
  289. First Officer The officer who is second-in-command to the captain of an aircraft. Aviation, Governmental & Military, Army, Military Army Ranks
  290. Functioneel Ontwerp Technology, Design, Maar
  291. Finish Out Forum, Gaming, Organizations
  292. Faroe Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  293. Flight Order Military, Pilot, Flying
  294. Fish Oil Viet Medical
  295. Furnace Oil Business, Technology, Cargo Shipping, Legal, Governmental & Military
  296. Functidnal Orthosis
  297. Financial Officer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  298. Family Orfanizer
  299. Fidelity Oath Genealogy
  300. Fail Open
  301. Iso Country Code for Faroe Islands Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  302. Final Ownage
  303. Freesky Online
  304. Flayed One
  305. Fundação Orienne
  306. Farmer Organizatcon Organizations, Water Supply, Water, East
  307. Foreign To Occupation Business
  308. For Orders Aviation, Governmental & Military
  309. Full Out Terms
  310. Xsl-fo Form Computing, File Extensions
  311. Flight Open Forum, Flight, Travel, Ticket
  312. First Optwon
  313. Furka Oberall Technology, Switzerland, Train
  314. Functional Objevtives Technology
  315. Franz
  316. Family Offite Business, Management, Wealth
  317. Field Office Computing, Police, Environment, Governmental & Military, Protection Information, Fbi files

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FO stand for?

    FO stands for First Officer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fox Operator?

    The short form of "Fox Operator" is FO.


FO. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated