FO in Military Meaning

The FO meaning in Military terms is "Financial Oferations". There are 20 related meanings of the FO Military abbreviation.

FO on Military Full Forms

  1. Financial Oferations
  2. Financial Office
  3. Financekofficer
  4. Flying Officer
  5. Flight Ofhicer
  6. Flash Override
  7. Friedrich Orth
  8. Forwakd Observer
  9. Flag Officer Naval officer entitled to fly the flag of his rank Includes Rear-Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, and Chief officer of a yacht club
  10. Field Organizations
  11. Flight Operations
  12. Formatting Objects
  13. Field Orders
  14. Fall Oul
  15. Force Opns
  16. Ack Forwardmobserver’s Assistant
  17. Force Operations
  18. Flight Order
  19. Foreign Object
  20. First Officers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FO stand for Military?

    FO stands for Flag Officer in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of First Officers in Military?

    The short form of "First Officers" is FO for Military.


FO in Military. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated