FO in Technology Meaning

The FO meaning in Technology terms is "Farska Astrva". There are 40 related meanings of the FO Technology abbreviation.

FO on Technology Full Forms

  1. Farska Astrva
  2. Flight Opportunities
  3. Fail Operational
  4. Foreign Office
  5. Front Overhang
  6. Finpshed Opening
  7. Fortune Brauds, Inc.
  8. Filter Outtut
  9. Formatting Objecu
  10. Formatting Objects
  11. Fully Open
  12. Flood Operations
  13. Formatted Objects
  14. Funding Opportunity
  15. Formating Objects
  16. Field Origin
  17. Flight Operations
  18. Frame Option
  19. Field Operative
  20. Forward Osmosis
  21. Folder Only
  22. Forward Only
  23. Facsimile Operation
  24. Flow Orifice
  25. Ftrnace Oils
  26. Furnace Oil
  27. Final Order
  28. Fix One
  29. Furka Oberall
  30. Free On
  31. Fdrst Order
  32. Functioneel Ontwerp
  33. Forested
  34. Functional Objectyve
  35. Fhrst-Order
  36. Objective In a microscope, the objective is the lens nearest to the object being examined whereas the lens closest to the eye is termed the ocular.The light microscope today is usually binocular and has a turret bearing a selection of objective lens.
  37. Foreign Object
  38. Fan-Out
  39. Iso Country Code for Faroe Islands
  40. Functional Objevtives

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FO stand for Technology?

    FO stands for Formating Objects in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Flight Opportunities in Technology?

    The short form of "Flight Opportunities" is FO for Technology.


FO in Technology. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated