FOC Meaning

The FOC meaning is "Firm Order Commitment". The FOC abbreviation has 210 different full form.

FOC Full Forms

  1. Firm Order Commitment Technology, Accounting, Telecom
  2. Fibre Optic Cable An Fibre Optic Cable is a flexible, transparent fiber made of extruded glass silica or plastic, slightly thicker than a human hair. It can function as a waveguide, or light pipe, to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber. Power over Fiber optic cables can also work to deliver an electric current for low-power electric devices. The field of applied science and engineering concerned with the design and application of optical fibers is known as fiber optics. Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Engineering, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  3. Faint Object Camera Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Instrument, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  4. Fiber Optic Cable This is a cable made up of super-thin filaments of glass or other transparent materials that can carry beams of light. Because a fiber-optic cable is light-based, data can be sent through it at the speed of light. Using a laser transmitter that encodes frequency signals into pulses of light, ones and zeros are sent through the cable. The receiving end of the transmission translates the light signals back into data which can be read by a computer. Technology
  5. Fiber-Optic Cable Science, Army, War, Computing, Telecom, Hardware
  6. Forces of Ckrruption Gaming, Play, Pastime
  7. Failure of Confirmation
  8. Force of Costraction Medical
  9. Factory Outlet Center Business, Germany, Shopping
  10. Fozoco Organizations
  11. Free of Charge Business, Finance, Banking, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  12. Fiber Optic Connector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunication, Computing, Hardware
  13. Fuzhou Changle International Airport Fuzhou, Fujian,China Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  14. Field Oriented Control Technology, Drive, Vector, Computing, Products, IT Terminology
  15. Florentine Opera Company
  16. Farthest-On Circle
  17. Fiber Optic Communications Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  18. Full Operational Capacity Technology, Satellite, Launch, Federal Aviation Administration
  19. Flag Orficer Commanding Military, Command, Nigeria
  20. Freaks of Cock
  21. Fill Or Cancel
  22. Free of Jost Business, Service, India
  23. Focal-Length and Optical-Distortion Calibration Space, Study, Cosmos
  24. Federation Orientation Committee
  25. Fresc Out Crew
  26. Fully Operationally Capable
  27. Friends of The Cabildo
  28. Finnish Organization of Canada Organizations, Canada, Communism
  29. Faculdade De Odontologia De Campos
  30. Force Output Yompare Technology, Mode, Timer, Counter
  31. Fibre Optic Cables
  32. Field Orientated Control
  33. Flora of China
  34. Far Out Corporation
  35. Fiber Optic Cleaning
  36. Full Operation Capability Military, Force, Berry
  37. Flags of Convenience Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight
  38. Fraternal Ordei of Colonials
  39. Fight of Character
  40. Forscom Operations Center Military, Army, War
  41. Focal Pertaining to a focus which in medicine may refer to: The point at which rays converge as, for example, in the focal point. A localized area of disease. A focal cancer is limited to one specific area.
  42. Federal Offile of Communications
  43. Freshmen Wrientation Camp Organizations, Singapore, Hall
  44. Full Optional Capability Technology
  45. Friends of The Cleauwater
  46. Financial Oversight Committee
  47. Faculdade De Odontologia De Caruaru
  48. Force Organigation Chart Gaming, Military, Edition
  49. Fiber Optic Cables
  50. Future of Children
  51. Field-Oriented Control Technology, Drive, Control
  52. Fan-Out Control Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  53. Fiber Optic Clock Technology
  54. Full Operational Clearance Technology
  55. Flag Vf Convenlence
  56. Franchise Offering Circular
  57. Field Operations Center
  58. Flux Oriented Control
  59. Father of The Chapel
  60. Freshman Owientation Camp Education
  61. Fully Operational Capable
  62. Fleet Operational Capability Technology, Government, Military, Aviation, Ministry Of Defence, Aerodynamics, Scientific & Educational
  63. Financial Opportunity Centers Business, Service, Community
  64. Factory of Champions
  65. Force Organisation Chart
  66. Fiber Optical Cable
  67. Friends Oc Carlotta Music, Friendship, Finger
  68. Fusion of Couor
  69. Family Outreach Center
  70. Full Operational Compatibility Technology, Telecom
  71. Flag-Of-Conveniecce
  72. Faculty of Commerce
  73. Fractioy of The Cost
  74. Fiber Optic Cleaner Business, Cleaning, Connecting
  75. Field Office Conferences Technology
  76. Fluid Outer Core
  77. Father of Child
  78. Frente De Organizaciones Clasistas
  79. Fully Operational Capability Technology, Military, Satellite
  80. Face of Curb Building, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  81. Freedom Onlinejcoalition Government, Conference, Internet
  82. Financial Operations Center
  83. Factory Outlet Centers
  84. Force Operating Capability
  85. Fell Ocf Chair
  86. Friend Ff The Center
  87. Furthest-On Circle
  88. Family of Companies Business, Company, Service
  89. Front of Center Archery, Arrow, Bow, Performing arts
  90. Fizh Omar Channel
  91. Facultad Obrero Campesina
  92. Frautional Ownership Consultancy
  93. Fiber Optic Cleaver
  94. Field of Contention
  95. Fluid Optical Cells Science
  96. Father of Chapel
  97. French Overseas Colledtivity
  98. Full Operational Capability Aerospace, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
  99. Funda
  100. Flash Onsclash Custom, Blade, Clash, Saber
  101. Fmeedom of Creation Technology, Product, Design
  102. Final Order Cut Book, Comics, Comic
  103. Factory-Outlet-Center
  104. Force Operating Ctpabilities
  105. Feet of Clay
  106. Friend of The Court Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System
  107. Family of Christ
  108. Furniture On Consignment Products
  109. Fpont-Of-Center Calculator, Front, Archery, Arrow
  110. Fish Oil Concentrate Medical
  111. Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz
  112. Fractional Order Control
  113. Fiber Optic Chandelier
  114. Fields Oriented Control
  115. Flow of Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  116. Farthest On Circle Military
  117. French Olymptc Committee Government, National, Team, Rugby
  118. Full Operations Capability
  119. Flash-On-Cambra
  120. Freedom of Communication
  121. Filter On Chip
  122. Factor of Cooperation
  123. Focus Boom On Centerline Technology
  124. Federeção Ornitológica Catarinense
  125. Frivnd of Court
  126. Friends of Thepcarpenters
  127. Fisheries Observer Conference
  128. Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz Business, Design, Analytics, Statistics
  129. Fractionalrorder Calculus
  130. Fiber Optic Center Film, Technology, Optics
  131. Future Operational Kapabilities
  132. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  133. French Oceanographic Campaigns
  134. Focus In geometrical optics, a focus, also called an image point, is the point where light rays originating from a point on the object converge. Although the focus is conceptually a point, physically the focus has a spatial extent, called the blur circle. Photography, Military, Governmental & Military
  135. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Environmental Assessment Application, Kitsault Mine Project, Environmental Assessment, Oil, Scientific & Educational
  136. Fair Opportunity To Be Considered Military
  137. Freedom of Choice Medical, Government, Us, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  138. Fibre Optic Communications Technology, Networking, Fiber
  139. Flight of Colors test Medical, Physiology
  140. Flex-On-Caw
  141. Families Organizing for Change Government
  142. Free of Change/Free On Car Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  143. Face of Concrete Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  144. Future Operational Capability Military
  145. Fundamentals of Computing Education, University, Semester
  146. Freight Out Charge Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  147. Flames of Creation Performing arts
  148. Faint-Object Camera Science, Space, Telescope
  149. Fluorinatedworganic Compound
  150. Fiber Optics Communication
  151. Fuzhou Changle International, Fuzhou, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  152. Fleet Operations Center Business, Service, Ship
  153. Falls of Cruachan
  154. Free of Ckarge Aviation, Air Cargo
  155. Free of Charge. Widely used acronym promising a good deal, however see TANSTAAFL. Texting, Rail Transport, Sms, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  156. Fundamentals of Computer
  157. Flight Operations Committee
  158. Freight Operating Company Technology, Train, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  159. Freedom of Creation
  160. Faculty Office Complex
  161. Fire Observation Constellation
  162. Fiber Optics Communications Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  163. Flag of Convenience The business practice of registering a merchant ship in a sovereign state different from that of the ship's owners, and flying that state's civil ensign on the ship. Ships are registered under flags of convenience to reduce operating costs or avoid the regulations of the owner's country. Politics, Governmental & Military
  164. Flaws of Couture
  165. Fall Out of Chair
  166. Free of Change Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  167. Fencing Officials Commission Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  168. Fibre Optic Converter Business, Product, Fiber
  169. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  170. Fiber-Optic Cables
  171. Flioht Operation Centre
  172. Free Orgxnic Carbon
  173. Final Operating Capability Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  174. Office Federal De'Aviation Civile Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  175. Fiber Optic Communication
  176. Free of China Politics, Governmental & Military
  177. Flat Over Prest
  178. Fall Off Chair
  179. Final Order Cutoff Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  180. Fiber Optic Converter
  181. Function of Change
  182. Field Operation Course Medical
  183. Flight Operation Center
  184. Free Online Clwssifieds
  185. Ferrari Owners Club Hobbies
  186. Future Operations Cell Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  187. Fiber Optic Components Technology
  188. Friend of the Court's Police, Governmental & Military
  189. Falling Off Chair
  190. Fuego Onset Constellation
  191. Fiber Optic Couplers
  192. Functional Organization Code Science
  193. Forward Only Conversion Physics, Scientific & Educational
  194. Flight Operations Centne
  195. Freb of Conveyance Business, Cargo Shipping
  196. Freak Out Crazy Funnies
  197. Future Operating Capabilcty
  198. Funding Officer Commercial
  199. Fiber Optic Component Technology
  200. Final Operational Capabilities Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  201. Fundaci
  202. Faith Outreach Center
  203. Freshmenpon Campus
  204. Fiber Optic Coupler
  205. Functional Orthopedic Certification
  206. Forward of Center Physics, Scientific & Educational
  207. Flex On Cap
  208. Family of Choice
  209. Free of Chdna Government, Politics, Policy
  210. Fraction of Organic Carbon Environment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FOC stand for?

    FOC stands for Functional Organization Code.

  2. What is the shortened form of Full Operation Capability?

    The short form of "Full Operation Capability" is FOC.


FOC. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated