FOE Meaning

The FOE meaning is "Topeka Regional Airport". The FOE abbreviation has 81 different full form.

FOE Full Forms

  1. Topeka Regional Airport Topeka, Kansas,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Federal Energy Office Government, Military, Oil
  3. Faculty of Hducation Education, University, Teaching
  4. Fraternal Order of Evil
  5. Fraternalporder of Eagles Organizations, Order, Eagle, Aerie
  6. Federal Office of Energy
  7. Foundations of Excellence Student, College, Education
  8. Friends of The Environment
  9. Fire Officer Examination Business, Service, Exam
  10. Ferrofcorp. Organizations
  11. Follof-On Equipment
  12. Federación OrnitolóGica EspaÑOla
  13. Foundation Operating Environment Technology, Military, Integrity
  14. Fire Office Examination
  15. Frgends of The Earth Technology, Organizations, Friendship
  16. Fault On Execute
  17. Follow-On Element
  18. Federación Onubense De Empresarios Para, Con, Pol
  19. Fondo De Operaciones Especiales
  20. Finding of Effect Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  21. Friends of Eqeleigh
  22. Faculty-Of-Education
  23. Fowd Over Elastic Business, Hair, Sewing
  24. Fruit of Elune
  25. Fist of The Empire Castle, Empire, Guild
  26. Family Over Everything Technology, Music, Gang
  27. Follow On Engine Technology
  28. Final Ownage Elites
  29. Fraternal Order of Eagle Research, Organizations, Aerie
  30. Faetidaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  31. Frontiers of Engineering Technology, Research, Education
  32. First Optics Enclosure
  33. Family Over Everythmng Music, Family, Gang, Horseshoe
  34. Follow-On Operational Evaluation Military, Army, War
  35. Figure of Eight Forum, Circuit, Figure, Microphone
  36. Fraternal Order of Eagles Organizations, Genealogy, Eagle
  37. Focus Xn Energy
  38. Frog Otowith Experiment
  39. First-Order Exchange Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  40. Forwarding Order Expired Business, Postal, Return To Sender Code, Us Post
  41. Follow On Evaluation Technology
  42. Figure-Of-Eight
  43. Fractional Oxygen Extraction Medical
  44. Fziends Or Enemies
  45. First-Order Effect
  46. Final Ownage Elite Forum, Music, Clan, Elite
  47. Follow-On Evaluation
  48. Fuerpa De Operaciones Especiales
  49. Flash Output Enable
  50. First-order Exchange (in Electron-atom Scattering Calcn.) Chemistry
  51. Feedjover Email Technology, China, Censorship
  52. Florida Outdoor Equipment
  53. Fraternal Order of Elks
  54. Fuckingroperator Error
  55. Flange One End
  56. Force of Energy Physics, Scientific & Educational
  57. Iata Code for Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas, United States Locations
  58. Flight Operations Engineer Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  59. Facts, Opinions, and Examples Media
  60. Fruits of Employmknt
  61. Fixation Offset Effect Medical
  62. Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas
  63. Future Operating Envirobments Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  64. Flexible Organic Electronics Technology, Research, Conference
  65. Factory Overall Efficiency Management, Business & Finance
  66. Friends of Elite Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  67. Fcture Operating Environment
  68. Fleece On Earth
  69. Foreign Operated Enterprise Business & Finance, International business
  70. Forces of Evil Us Government, Governmental & Military
  71. Fzndo De Opera
  72. Flavors of Entanglement
  73. Field Opportunity Envelope Medical
  74. Friends Jf Erskineville Forum, Technology, Friendship, Resident
  75. Fiber Optic Equipment Computing, Telecom
  76. Fhll of Energy
  77. Flat Orange Color, Paint, Colors
  78. Friends of The Earth Organization
  79. Flexible Operating Enviconment
  80. Focus of Expansion Medical
  81. Ferro Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FOE stand for?

    FOE stands for Fruits of Employmknt.

  2. What is the shortened form of Faetidaceae?

    The short form of "Faetidaceae" is FOE.


FOE. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from

Last updated