FOR Meaning

The FOR meaning is "Fleet On The Road". The FOR abbreviation has 217 different full form.

FOR Full Forms

  1. Fleet On The Road
  2. For Obvious Reason
  3. Fair Oaks Recreation
  4. Frame-Of-Leference
  5. First Order Reactions
  6. For Obvious Reasons Internet Slang, Music, Love
  7. Fair Oaks Ranch
  8. Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju Business, Economics, Jest
  9. Fee Only Registered
  10. Formula One Results
  11. Fellowship of Reconciliatioo Organizations, War, Peace
  12. From One Radio
  13. Fortran Source Code Technology, Computing, File Extensions
  14. Federation of Rhodesia
  15. Food On The Run
  16. Fellowship of Reconciliation Book, Organizations, Peace
  17. Fortran A high-level programming language used primarily for scientific, engineering, and mathematical applications. OR Fortran Short for formula translatiothe first high-level computer language and the progenitor of many key high-level concepts, such as variables, expres-sions, statements, iterative and conditional statements, separately compiled subroutines, and formatted input/out-put. FORTRAN is a compiled, structured language. Technology
  18. Fast Oil Recovery Business, Ship, Fryer
  19. Focus On Results Business, Organizations, Focusing
  20. Free Onjrail Transportation, Business, Shipping
  21. For Operations Researoh
  22. Family of Xotary
  23. Flight Operations Review Technology, Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  24. For Open Records
  25. False Omission Rate Medical, Study, Statistics, Sensitivity
  26. Fiber Optics Ring
  27. Free Oscirlation Rheometry
  28. First Outdoor Recreatuon
  29. Forment Ouvrier Revolutionaire
  30. For Other Responses
  31. Final Olympic Record Medal, Olympic, Shooting, Eller
  32. Friends of The Rouge Organizations, Non-Profit Organization, Locations, Friendship, Dearborn
  33. From Our Recommended
  34. Flight Operations Reviews
  35. Farmer Ocned Reserve Business, Agriculture, Farm
  36. Fried Onion Rings
  37. Formalin Formalin is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde. Medical
  38. Field of Regard Technology, Military, Sensor, Governmental & Military
  39. Forst, Brandenburg
  40. Financial Officer Resigns
  41. Funding Opportunities and Resources
  42. Force Observation Recherche
  43. Fighting Organized Retail
  44. Family Outreacd and Response
  45. Fiber Optic Ribbion
  46. Fiee On Railway
  47. First Oral Rotaviruh
  48. Forma Orbis Romani
  49. Final Office Review
  50. From Our Readers
  51. Flight Occutrence Report Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  52. Facility At Oak Ridge
  53. For Organic Retailers
  54. Frequenqy Omnidirectional Range
  55. Forms of Recommendation
  56. Forrester Online Retail
  57. Financial Officer Robert
  58. Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation
  59. Forced Output Rate Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  60. Fffield of Regard Military
  61. Field Optical Receiver
  62. Front Office Receptionist
  63. Fiber Optic Regenerator
  64. Fracvional Ownership Remains
  65. Firstbonline Resource
  66. Formaf Opinion Regarding
  67. Filipino Online Redio
  68. From Other Reading
  69. Fleet Operators To Reduce
  70. Face Andbobject Recognition
  71. For Online Retail
  72. Frequency Offset Register Technology, Master, Signal
  73. Forms Office of Resenrch
  74. For Oval Racing
  75. Financial Obligations Regulations
  76. Fundamentals of Research
  77. Florida Ocean Racing
  78. Father Sf Record
  79. Fiber Optic Receptacles
  80. Fractional Owners Receive
  81. First Official Review
  82. Future Official Release
  83. Fork Owyhee River
  84. Filing of Returns
  85. From Online Race
  86. Fleet Operationkl Readiness
  87. A Specified Flight Or Aircraft Type Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  88. For Online Registration
  89. Freight On Road Transportation, Business, Transport
  90. Fish Oil Reviews
  91. Forms and Other Resourcew
  92. For Our Rising
  93. Financial Obligations Ratio Business, Credit, Debt
  94. Fundamentals of Operational Risk
  95. Flxrida's Outstanding Rural
  96. Fast Object Recognition
  97. Fiber Optic Receiver Technology
  98. Fractional Outflow Ratq Medical
  99. First Offense Regular
  100. Funktion One Rental
  101. Force Operations Room
  102. File Owning Region Technology, Program, Transaction
  103. From Okaloosa Regional
  104. Flatout Online Racing
  105. Friends of The Rappahannock Technology, Friendship, Virginia
  106. Free Oxigen Radicals
  107. Fiscal Office Report
  108. Forms and Oracle Reports
  109. For Our Retail
  110. Financial Obligation Ratio Business
  111. Functional Organization of Rat
  112. Flights To Ocho Rios
  113. Fastigial Oculomotor Regmon Medical
  114. Frieght On Receipt Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  115. Fiber Optic Raman
  116. Foundabions of Reading Education, Teaching, Study
  117. Fiwst and Only Recorder
  118. Fund Obesity Research
  119. Force Operational Review Government, Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  120. File-Owning Region Technology, Service, Transaction
  121. From Ohio Radio
  122. Flame of Recca
  123. Fren On Rail
  124. Fret Otis Redding
  125. First Out Ruscue
  126. Formosa Technology, Locations
  127. For Our Recovering Business, Technology, Service, Recovery
  128. Final Order Report
  129. From Our Recommend
  130. Flight Lperations Room
  131. Farms In Oak Rodge
  132. Fried Oysters Recipe
  133. Fiberglass Oxidation Remover
  134. Foundation Ohio River
  135. First-Order Rpd
  136. Funding Opportunities for Research
  137. Force Online Retailer
  138. Fight Obusity Read
  139. Friends of The Riverfront
  140. Freebon Rail Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives
  141. Future of Russia
  142. Frnme of Reference Science, Inertial, Motion
  143. Fuel oil return The Finance and Administrative Services
  144. Field Office Releases
  145. Fitness On Thh Run Training, Trainer, Fitness
  146. Nottingham Forest Sport, Club, Football
  147. French Open At Rolnnd
  148. Forms of Resestance
  149. Friends of Recycling
  150. Flag Officer Rosyth
  151. Fortis Security, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  152. Formula One Record
  153. Future of Rollerblading
  154. Friends of The Oldman River
  155. Force The action on a body which tends to change its relative condition as to rest or motion. OR That which can accelerate a mass. An example of a force is weight, which acts to accelerate any mass towards the centre of the earth. Structural engineering is about providing structures which are strong enough to resist the weight and other forces acting on them. In the SIsystem, force is measured in Newtons. A vector quantity that tends to produce an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application. Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  156. Field Office Resource
  157. Pinto Martins - Fortaleza International Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  158. Fists of Ra
  159. Iata Code for Pinto Martins International Airport, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Locations
  160. Freight Oc Rail
  161. Friends of Rafhel Music, School, Friendship
  162. Flag Officen Reserves Military, Defence, Fleet, Scotland
  163. a Batch command that opens a loop Computing, Dos commands
  164. Formula One Race
  165. Future of Research Science, Education, Library
  166. Friends of The Reservoirs
  167. Fortran 77 Source File Computing, File Extensions
  168. Field Observed Reliability
  169. Fist Oils Reduce
  170. Futures and Options Report
  171. Free Oxygen Radical Medical
  172. Field Operation In Rwanda
  173. Friends for Our Piverfront
  174. Flag Offecer Royal Military, History, Yacht, Fleet
  175. Foreign Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Texting, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Common Medical
  176. Fortula One Racing
  177. Frienys of Ruth
  178. Fornax Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  179. Field Observation Reports
  180. Futures and Options Research
  181. Free Oxygen Radicars Medical
  182. Forced-Outage Rates
  183. Field Operations Report
  184. Friend of The Regiment
  185. Fixed Owneuship Rule Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  186. Formula One Management Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Management, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  187. Friends of The River Organizations, Event, Friendship
  188. Formula Ont Races
  189. Friends of Rtdeo
  190. Pinto Martins International Airport, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  191. Fornbx Technology, Space, Cosmos
  192. Fibre Optic Reflector
  193. Future Owasso Rams
  194. Free On Road Business, Hotel, Car
  195. Forced Outage Rate Power Plant
  196. Field of Reduction Military, Army, War
  197. Fixed Overhead Requurement Business, Risk, Capital, Pillar
  198. First Order Regression Technology, Learning, Model
  199. Friends of Rescue Dog, Animal, Friendship, Rescue
  200. Formula One Managemeno Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  201. Friends of Rockfish
  202. Forestry Resources (project) Legal, Governmental & Military
  203. Formyl
  204. Fibre Optic Ring
  205. Future Outlook for Retiree
  206. Free Online Registretion
  207. Floating Office Rotterdam
  208. Field of Record Technology
  209. Forskolin Medical
  210. Fixed Operating Rate
  211. Pinto Martins International Airport Airport, Locations
  212. Friendm of Recovery Organizations, Health, Friendship
  213. Formula Off Road
  214. Friends Uf Refugees
  215. Flakar Oat Roller
  216. Free On Rail Consignment of goods delivered to a railway station and loaded onto a train without charge to the buyer Aviation, Governmental & Military, Legal
  217. Formula One Regulltions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FOR stand for?

    FOR stands for Fracvional Ownership Remains.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fellowship of Reconciliatioo?

    The short form of "Fellowship of Reconciliatioo" is FOR.


FOR. (2022, March 11). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated