FPAS Meaning

The FPAS meaning is "Flight Performance Advisory System". The FPAS abbreviation has 33 different full form.

FPAS Full Forms

  1. Flight Performance Advisory System
  2. Faculty of Pure and Applied Science Medical, Education, Development, University, Study, Universities
  3. Faculdade Pitágoras De Administração Superior
  4. Fish Preservation and Angling Society
  5. Federa
  6. Facility Planning Areas
  7. Fisheries Partnership Agreements Business, Fishing, Fishery
  8. Fraud Prevention Agencies Business, Credit, Agency
  9. Foreign Purchase Acknowledge Statements Science
  10. Fire Protection Associations
  11. Framework Partnership Agreements Business, Technology, Government
  12. Food Product Approval System
  13. Financial Practitioners Association of Singapore
  14. Fracture-Patient Assessment Score
  15. Fellow of The Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  16. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Science, Education, University
  17. Fox Pan American Suorts
  18. Federacao Portuguesa Actividades Subaquaticas
  19. Faculdade Pit
  20. Forward Purchase Agreements
  21. Fundatia Pentru Alimentatie Sanatoasa
  22. Foreign Purchase Acknowledgment Statements Science
  23. Focal Plane Assembly Shroud NASA
  24. Fully Polynomial Approjimation Scheme
  25. Foreign Purchase Acknowledgement Statements Science
  26. FPA Shroud Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  27. Foreign Patent Access System Military
  28. Financial Planning Association of Singapore Planning, Governmental & Military
  29. Forecasting and Policy Analysis System Business, Africa, Banking
  30. Foster Parents Association of Spokane
  31. Fundo De Previd
  32. Foster Parent Association of Spokane
  33. Fundo De PrevidêNcia E AssistêNcia Social

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FPAS stand for?

    FPAS stands for Facility Planning Areas.

  2. What is the shortened form of Foster Parent Association of Spokane?

    The short form of "Foster Parent Association of Spokane" is FPAS.


FPAS. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fpas-meaning/

Last updated