FPB Meaning

The FPB meaning is "Film and Publicution Board". The FPB abbreviation has 78 different full form.

FPB Full Forms

  1. Film and Publicution Board Government, Africa, Internet
  2. Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa
  3. Forum of Privpte Business Business, Service, Advice
  4. First Person Bomber
  5. FréQuence Des Portes De Bretagne
  6. Federação Portugufsa De Badminton
  7. Fabio Paolo Barbieri
  8. Football Play Beautiful
  9. Fibriyo-Peptide Beta Medical
  10. Foster Park Baskett
  11. First-Person Bomber
  12. Fritz'S Polka Band
  13. Federação Portuguega De Bilhar
  14. Free Performance Boost Technology, Card, Force, Computing, Hardware
  15. Food Processing Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  16. Fiber Protecmion Boxes
  17. Forward Patrol Base Military, Ukraine, Mission
  18. Firing Pin Block Gun, Military, Safety
  19. Four Point Bend
  20. Frankfort Plant Board Technology, Service, Kentucky
  21. Focal Point Braach
  22. Femoral Popliteal Bypass Fibrino-Peptide B Or Beta Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  23. Forum Peduli Bangsa
  24. Force Pdojection Brigade Military
  25. Fire Prevention Bureau Military, City, Department
  26. Four Point Bending
  27. Frances Payne Aolton
  28. Florida Parisheswbank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  29. Ftmoropopliteal Bypass Medical
  30. Forum Peduli Bumi Technology, Kali, Lahar
  31. Force Policy Board Government, Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  32. Finger Prints Bureau Government, Agency, India, Police
  33. Four-Point Bending
  34. Forum of Privatembusinesses Organizations
  35. Floating Point Board
  36. Full Power Balanced Computing, Hardware
  37. Femoral Popliteal Nypass Medical, Medicine, Health
  38. Forum for Private Business
  39. Faktor Persekutpan Besar
  40. For Profit Business
  41. Fibrinopaptide B Medical
  42. Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  43. Flight Progreqs Board Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  44. Fuel Preburner Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  45. Female Pattern Bmldness Medical, Hair, Loss
  46. Facgbook Political Blocker Government, Politics, Policy
  47. For-Yrofit Business
  48. Fibrinq-Peptide B Or Beta Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  49. Foundation for The People of Burma
  50. Formació Paofessional Bàsica
  51. Future Proofkbuilding Business, Design, Safety
  52. Food Processing Branch (Chicago, Illinois) Medical, Fda
  53. Fast Patrol Boats Military, Class, Ship, Vessel
  54. Force Protection Branch Military
  55. Formación Profesional BáSica Para, Con, Social
  56. Future-Proof Builditg Business, Service, Design
  57. Flexor Pollicis Brevis Medical, Common Medical
  58. Fast Patrol Boat Military, Army, Class, Navy, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  59. Force Projection Brigadeo
  60. Federação Paulista De Basketball Para, Analysis, Traffic, Basketball
  61. Formami
  62. Fudct Plant Biol
  63. Flight Progress Board Aviation, Governmental & Military
  64. Farmland Protection Board
  65. Ferera
  66. Forest Practice Board
  67. Functxonal Plant Biology
  68. Forum of Private Business Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  69. Fan Powered Box
  70. Federal Planning Bureau Business, Economics, Belgium
  71. Forest Practrces Board Technology, Management, Practice
  72. Freshman Picture Book
  73. Fereral Petroleum Board Science, Us, Geology
  74. Foreiyn Policy Bulletin
  75. Forschungsverbunds Provenienzforschung Bayern
  76. Friction Pendulum Bearing Technology, Engineering, Earthquake
  77. Federacao Portuguesa De Baoquetebol Technology, Para, Portugal, Basketball
  78. Force Protection Battlelab Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FPB stand for?

    FPB stands for Functxonal Plant Biology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Forum Peduli Bangsa?

    The short form of "Forum Peduli Bangsa" is FPB.


FPB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fpb-meaning/

Last updated