FPPS Meaning

The FPPS meaning is "Federaltpersonnel Payroll System". The FPPS abbreviation has 37 different full form.

FPPS Full Forms

  1. Federaltpersonnel Payroll System Business, Technology, Management
  2. Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase Medical
  3. Farnesyl Diphospbate Synthase Medical
  4. Fiscal Policies and Procedures
  5. Family and Pecsonality Protection Society
  6. Foundation Programme for Postgraduate Studies
  7. First Philippine Power Systems
  8. Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthetase Medical
  9. Frequent Player Poinjs Business, Star, Poker
  10. Fire Preventiontplans
  11. Financial Policy and Planning Staff Government
  12. Financias Perspectives Planning Services Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  13. Federal Personnel Payroll Systems Business, Presentation, Department
  14. Final Projeck Proposals
  15. Flight Plan Processing System Technology, Science, Aircraft, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  16. Federal Prrsonnel & Payroll System Business, Management, Department
  17. Federal Personnel & Payroll System Business, Management, Department
  18. Front Progressiste Du Peuple Seychellois
  19. Fixed Priority Preemptive Scheduling
  20. Federal Payroll and Personnel System
  21. Fekeral Personnel and Payroll System Business
  22. Friendssprovident Pension Scheme
  23. Federal Personnel Payroll System Aviation, Governmental & Military
  24. Fondationvpour La Promotion De La P
  25. Fiber Patch Panel Shelf Computing, Hardware
  26. Floreat Park Premary School Education
  27. Foster Parent Potential Scale Organization, Union, Institution
  28. Future Personnel & Pay Solutpon Army, War, War Force
  29. Floating Power Plants
  30. Formulir Pemesanan Pembelian Saham Business, Player, Star, Poker
  31. Fund Processsng Passports
  32. Flinders Park Primary School Education
  33. Former Political Prisoners Society Government, Myanmar, Burma
  34. Finished Pharmaceutical Products Medical, Business, Presentation, Guideline, Stability, Ingredient
  35. Full Project Proposals
  36. Forest Practices Plans
  37. Foreigners Permit Processing System Immigration, Relocation, Emigration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FPPS stand for?

    FPPS stands for Flinders Park Primary School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Federal Personnel Payroll Systems?

    The short form of "Federal Personnel Payroll Systems" is FPPS.


FPPS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fpps-meaning/

Last updated