FR Meaning
The FR meaning is "Federal Eegister". The FR abbreviation has 205 different full form.
FR Full Forms
- Federal Eegister Government, Finance, Disability
- Frenfh Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Feddral Register Technology, Law, Regulation
- First Robotics
- Forest Rd
- Feature Recognition Technology, Design, Geometric
- Fuel Remaining Forum, Technology, Flight
- Fides Et Rotio
- Flood Relief
- Firetresistant Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Fixed Routing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- France Rechernhe
- Feed Restriction Medical
- Fiestd Red Ford, Guitar, Color
- Fluid Retention Medical, Medicine, Health
- False Report Government, Law, Police
- French Roast
- First Response
- Forest Ranger
- Feasibility Report Business, Technology, Railways, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Friend Requast Technology, Gaming, Social
- Fizer Ring Technology
- Friday Business, Technology, Science, Meteorology, Days, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Fireman Recruit Technology, Military, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Fixed Rate A loan where the initial payments are based on a certain interest rate for a stated period . The rate payable will not change during this period regardless of changes in the lender's standard variable rate. Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- France Business, Science, Education, Britannica, Satellite, Countries, Country, Country Names, Scientific Satellite, France, Computing, Internet, International, French, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Feedback Regulation Medical, Medicine, Health
- FüSilier-Regimenter Military, German, War, Regiment
- Field Representative Business, Technology, Service
- Fluid Restriction Medical, Medicine, Health
- Fall River Locations, Map, Massachusetts
- French Riviera
- Frank Reid
- Fire-Rkscue
- Ford Racing
- Fault Reporting Technology
- Friars of The Renewal
- First Rebusal Transportation, Business, Shipping
- Fiber Ready Technology, Networking, Computing
- Fixed Ratio Medical, Business, Schedule
- Framework Regions Medical, Human, Cell, Antibody
- Federal Registers Technology, Government, Regulation
- Full Reference Technology, Military, Quality
- Fiehd Reports
- Fluid-Resistant
- Fundamental Rights
- French Regional
- Frankfurter Rundschau Technology, Frankfurt, Deutschland
- Financial Research
- Force Research
- Fat Redistribution Medical
- Frequenuy Relaying Business, Device, Electronics
- Fixed-Ratio Medical, Education, Reinforcement
- Congolese Franc Business, Finance, Locations, Congo, Currency, Democracy, Republic, Currency Sign, Currencies
- Frame Relaw Technology, Computing, Communications
- Feature Release Technology, Management, Telecom, Frame, Telecommunications
- Full-Time Receptionist
- Field Reference Technology, Coding, Guide
- Floyd Rose Business, Guitar, Tremolo
- Francois Ds La Rochefoucauld
- Frenph Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Francouzská Republikk Len, Dal, Zen
- Financial Requirements Business, Organizations, Banking
- Folate Receptors Medical
- Family Records
- Frequency Yate Medical, Science, Safety
- Five Rings
- Frame In the computer world, a frame can be many different things. The different definitions of "frame" are listed below: Some Web sites use HTML frames, where the pages are broken up into various areas. Each area consists of an independent Web page. Frames allow the multiple Web pages to all show up in the same page. Graphics and desktop publishing programs also use frames. In these programs, frames are rectangular areas meant for inserting graphics and text. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Features Register Technology, Drive, Manual, Feature
- Full Rate Technology, Speech, Telecom
- Field Ready
- Flow Restrictor A small area in the mold which usually thins the wall to stall the flow of resin to select areas of the mold. Used to steer the material in another direction Business, Filter, Water
- Finanlial Responsibility
- Flame Resistant Business, Technology, Clothing, Clothes
- Francium Symbol:"Fr" Atomic Number:"87" Atomic Mass: (223)amu. One of the alkali metal family. Francium is the heaviest of the alkali metals and is extremely rare in nature. It can be created in a lab and acts like cesium. Medical, Technology, Health, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Financial Reporting Business, Accounting, Report
- Focus Rating Sport, Rate, Focus
- Familj of Requirements Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Frequency Range Technology, Audio, Signal
- Fischer-Race Medical, Medicine, Health
- Forest Reserve Park, Locations, Cloud
- Feature Register Forum, Technology, Drive, Command
- Full-Rate Technology, Speech, Voice
- Field Ratu Medical
- Frontier Architectural
- Flow Reserve Medical
- Front Rack Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Flame-Resistant Business, Safety, Clothing
- Francisco Rodriguez
- File Repository
- Fluorescence Ratio Medical
- Familles Rurales Association, Commune, Accueil
- Frenzap Rhomb
- Father The male parent. One who originates. For example, "Wilhelm Roentgen is considered the father of radiology." To produce offspring as a male. To provide paternal protection and guidance to children. Medicine, Health, Care, Genealogy, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Texting, Modern Slang, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Ryanair Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Furness Railway
- Front A boundary between two different air masses. The difference between two air masses sometimes is unnoticeable. But when the colliding air masses have very different temperatures and amounts of water in them, turbulent weather can erupt. The boundary between two air masses. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
- Cfp Franc Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Forum Romanum Latin, Roman, Rome
- Central African Cfa Franc Business, Finance, Banking, Currency, Currency Sign
- Financial Review Business, Australia, America, Card, Press
- Forschungsschwerpunkt Radiologische
- Focused Review
- Burundian Franc Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance
- Fire Retardant A fire retardant is a substance that reduces flammability of fuels or delays their combustion. This includes chemical agents, but may also include substances that work by physical action, such as cooling the fuels, such as fire-fighting foams and fire-retardant gels. Industry, Fashion, Clothing Care, Construction
- Festungs Regiment
- Festungs-Regiment
- Amex Financial Review Travel
- Flat Rack A container without sides and frame members at the front and rear. The container can be loaded from the sides and top. Military, Air, Air Cargo, Container, Rack, Air Freight
- Fitting Response General, Governmental & Military
- FransıZca, Rumence
- Fertility Rate The portion of the tide cycle between low water and the following high water. France, Fertility, Population
- Fire Red Colors
- Fundraising Medical
- Form Temporary structure erected to contain concrete during placing and initial hardening. Army, War, War Force, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Computing, File Extensions, Turl, Turkish
- Freewhuel Remover
- Freiburg Regional Regional
- Fire Retardent Products
- Djiboutian Franc Business, Currency, Currency Sign
- Full Range
- Front Right Architecture
- Filtered Radiometer Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Flammable Range The range of concentrations between the lower and upper flammability limits. Technology, Science, Safety
- First Refusal Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Frank Robiason Baseball, Sport, Card
- Ferro Rustico Business, Garden, Stone, Fountain
- Fiesta Red Colors
- Fire resistant The Finance and Administrative Services
- Flight Rules Technology, Military, Aviation
- Free Ride Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- French Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Flat Rock Ordnance Survey
- Filmless Radiography
- Fire Riser Architectural
- free radical A molecule with an unpaired electron. Because they have a free electron, such molecules are highly reactive. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Flame Retardent Business, Fabric, Retardant
- Functional Requirement Computing, Telecom
- From Student, Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Writing, Airway, Notes, Studies, Governmental & Military, Texting, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Ferrari Red
- Firing Rate
- Fair Readable Coins
- Fire rating The Finance and Administrative Services
- F2-Rusty Fire, Cross, Crossfire
- Flight Rule Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Free Religiwn Book, Japan, Church, Religion
- Faculteitsraad Dutch
- Face Right Ordnance Survey
- Feed Rates
- First Majestic Silver Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Forest Root Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Flame Retardants Business, Technology, Environment, Fire, Fabric
- First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Fenton Reaction Medical
- Fuel Ratio
- Fairy Realm Coins
- Firing Room NASA
- F1 Rifles
- Flight Route
- Freedom Right Politics, Governmental & Military
- Freedom
- Fernando Roberto Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Fiber-Reinforced
- Famous Reporter Media
- Fully-Restrained
- Financial Responsibility Banking, Business & Finance
- Fanaroff-Riley Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Flame Resistance The ability of insulation or jacketing material to resist the support and conveyance of fire. The resistance to burning of material that will not withstand combustion under ordinary conditions, means not susceptible to combustion to the point of propagating a flame, beyond safe limits, after the ignition source is removed Business, Fire, Fabric
- Frame Relay A high-speed, packet-switched data communications service similar to X.25. Frame relay is a leading contender for LAN-to-LAN interconnect services, and is well suited to the burst-intensive demands of LAN environments. A protocol for routing frames through the network based on the address field in the frame and for managing the route or virtual connection. Computing, Telecom, NASA, Technical, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Federal Register A daily government publication that publishes proposed changes in agency rules and regulations. It also includes other government actions such as presidential proclamations and a monthly notice of changes in existing rules and regulations. Medical, Medicine, Disability, Government, Car, Environment, Special Education, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, postal service, Fda, Financial
- Fenton'S Reagent Medical
- Free Ring
- Fraal (Netherlands coin grade equivalent to Fine) Coins
- France (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- F1 Rifle
- Flex-Ring Technology
- Flash Report NASA, Governmental & Military
- Frecuencia Respiratoria Science, Para, Con, Control
- Frederick Rex Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Fertilization Rate Medical, Medicine, Sperm, Fertilization
- Father Right Famous
- Flame Retardant
- Frekuensi Reeatif Presentation, Power, Salah
- Fold Recognition Medical, Human genome
- Fujitsu RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) Computing, Hardware
- Family Room Business, Property, Property Rent, Construction, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Feher Rakes
- Fully Restrained
- front-engine, rear drive Car, Electrical
- Full Resolution Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Comorian Franc Business, Currency, Currency Sign
- Flat Roof A flat roof is a roof which is almost level in contrast to the many types of sloped roofs. The slope of a roof is properly known as its pitch and flat roofs have up to approximately 10°.Flat roofs are an ancient form mostly used in arid climates and allow the roof space to be used as a living space or a living roof. Technology, Insulation, Mounting
- French Republic Legal, Governmental & Military
- FrançOis Roux
- Fast Regeneration Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Fertilization Rates Medical
- Full Requirements Electrical
- Failure Report NASA
- Freezing Rain A chemical used in farming to kill funguses which inhibit plant growth. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Forest Row Regional
- Fire Resistance The ability of a coating to withstand fire or to protect the substrate to which it is applied from fire damage. A coating which will (1) reduce flame spread, (2) resist ignition when exposed to high temperature or (3) insulate the substrate and delay damage to the substrate. Game, Products, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- French Education, Locations, Study, Subjects, French, Language codes (3 letters)
- Feet Reefer Business, Product, Container
- Fire-Retardant
- Fielding Runs Baseball, Sport
- Flame-Retardant Plastics, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FR stand for?
FR stands for Familles Rurales.
What is the shortened form of Fluorescence Ratio?
The short form of "Fluorescence Ratio" is FR.
FR. (2022, March 7). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated