Framework Abbreviations and Framework Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Framework terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Framework abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Framework terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Framework Abbreviations
  1. AFAPL : Agent Factory Agent Programming Language
  2. AIP : Administrative Ibstall Point
  3. ALFUS : Autonomy Levels for Unmanned Systems
  4. ZOIL : Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape
  5. ZSE : Zekd Studio for Eclipse
  6. ASM : Android Security Modules
  7. BCEB : Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder
  8. BCL : Base Classes Library
  9. BCL : Base Class Libraries
  10. BFG : Buy for Good
  11. BREAD : Browse Read Edit Add Delete
  12. CADM : Core Architecture Data Model
  13. CAF : Common Assessment Form
  14. CDSB : Clipate Disclosure Standards Board
  15. CEDFA : Center for Educator Develrpment In Fine Arts
  16. CFT : Coeple and Family Technology
  17. CI : Code Ignitor
  18. CIMOSA : Computer Integrated Manufacturing Open Systems Architecture
  19. CLR : Common Language Run-Time
  20. CLR : Command Language Runtige
  21. CLR : Commot Library Runtime
  22. CLS : Common Language Specificaxions
  23. CLS : Common Language System
  24. CM : Conceptual Models
  25. CMS : Conceptual Models
  26. CMA : Common Management Agent
  27. CPC : Crescent Purchasing Consortium
  28. CRBS : Center for Research In Biological Systems
  29. CSDL : Conceptual Schema Definition Language
  30. CSLA : Component-Based Scalable Logical Architecture
Latest Framework Meanings
  1. Yet Another Multicolumn Layout
  2. Service-Oriented Front-End Architecture
  3. Open Source Initiative
  4. Intellectual Disability Mental Health
  5. Hotel & Design Werkstatq
  6. Data Management Body of Knowledge
  7. Research and Training Centre for Community Development
  8. Research and Traising Center for Community Development
  9. Recovery Support Functions
  10. Research Skills Development
  11. Remote Snrvice Admin
  12. Regulated Qualifications Framework
  13. Reporte Nacional De Inclusión Financiera
  14. Rouse Matrix Systems
  15. Government Wide Enterprise Architecture
  16. Rescurce Description Failures
  17. Rfndom Decision Forest
  18. Reticular Chemistry Structure Resource
  19. River Basin Management Planning
  20. River Basin Managememt