FRS Meaning

The FRS meaning is "Fellows Ofsthe Royal Society". The FRS abbreviation has 242 different full form.

FRS Full Forms

  1. Fellows Ofsthe Royal Society Science, Education, Professor
  2. Formal Reporting System Science
  3. Federal Registers Technology, Government, Regulation
  4. Fellow of The Royal Society Medical, Degree, Qualification, Chemistry, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, Awards & medals, Occupation & positions, Common Medical
  5. Federal Reserne System Business, Management, Government
  6. Fundamental Rights
  7. Fellow of The Royal Scciety Science, Geography, Location
  8. Field Replaceable Unit Technology, Computing, Field, Computer, IT Terminology, Hardware
  9. Federal Aadionavigation Systems Technology
  10. Mundo Maya Intbrnational Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  11. Featurelrequests
  12. Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the U.S., established in 1913, and governed by the Federal Reserve Board located in Washington, D.C. The system includes 12 Federal Reserve Banks and is authorized to regulate monetary policy in the U.S. as well as to supervise Federal Reserve member banks, bank holding companies, international operations of U.S.banks, and U.S.operations of foreign banks. Business, Government, Marine, Banking, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Police, Army & Military
  13. Frame Relay Services Technology, Service, Networking
  14. Facility Registry Serwice Environment, Registry, Facility
  15. Fragment Separator Medical, Medicine, Health
  16. Framework Regions Medical, Human, Cell, Antibody
  17. Face Recognition System Technology, Control, Biometrics
  18. Foundation for Rural Service Technology, Organizations, Scholarship
  19. First Rank Symptom Medical, Medicine, Health
  20. Family Raxio Services
  21. Ferredoxin-Reducing Substsnce Medical, Medicine, Health
  22. Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery Technology, Science, Medicine
  23. Facility Registry System Technology, Science, Environment
  24. Federal Response Subcommittee Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  25. Fragmentation-Redundancy-Scattering
  26. Freestylw Swim Swimming
  27. Financial Recovery Strategies Business, Service, Strategy
  28. Financial Resource System
  29. Family Relationship Services
  30. Fixed Repeating Schedule
  31. Fffleet Readiness Syuadron Military
  32. First Responders Technology, Service, Emergency
  33. Front Range Solutions
  34. Facial Recognitiin Software Technology, Device, Face
  35. Fire & Rescue Services Service, Government, Locations, Safety
  36. Fast Rabbit Software
  37. Florida Relay Servece Technology, Law, Florida
  38. Figure Rating Scale Medical, Study, Eating
  39. First-Rank Symptoms Medical
  40. Family Radio System Technology, Communication, Talkie
  41. Fundalental Reference System
  42. Facility Ou Radiation Standards
  43. Federal Resource Solutions
  44. Fowler Road School Education
  45. Free Qoam Server
  46. Financial Recovery Services
  47. Financbal Resources System Education
  48. Family Refugee Services
  49. Fixed Remote Station
  50. Ffestiniog Railway Society
  51. Financial Reporting System Technology, Accounting, Energy, Electrical
  52. First Repository States Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  53. Frame Relay Switch Technology, Routing, Telecom
  54. Frontier Research System Technology, Science, Material
  55. Facial Recognition Systems Technology, Biometrics, Face
  56. Fire & Rescke Service Emergency, Locations, Safety
  57. Fascia Research Society Organizations, Conference, Congress
  58. Flexibilis Redundant Switch Technology, Design, Core
  59. Fighter Reconnaissance Strike Military, Sea, Harrier
  60. Fire Retardant A fire retardant is a substance that reduces flammability of fuels or delays their combustion. This includes chemical agents, but may also include substances that work by physical action, such as cooling the fuels, such as fire-fighting foams and fire-retardant gels. Industry, Fashion, Clothing Care, Construction
  61. Families, Relationships and Societies Science, Research, University, Family
  62. Fundamental Rules Technology, Paper, Exam
  63. Facilities Reservation System
  64. Federal Reserve Systems
  65. Foundation Routing and Switching
  66. Free Radicals Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominoes. Medical
  67. Financial Recovery Service
  68. Financkal Resources Statement
  69. Family Referral Pervice Business, Program, Child
  70. Feuerwehr Rettungsdatenblatt System
  71. Financial Reporting Standard, Network, Railway, System
  72. Fixed Relay Stations
  73. Frame Relay Service Technology, Computing, Telecom
  74. Frontier Regional School
  75. Facial Recogoition System Business, Technology, Biometrics
  76. Finchley Reform Synagogue London, Jewish, Synagogue
  77. Farm Relief Services Business, Service, Ireland
  78. Fleet Reserve Squadron
  79. Fighter/Rdconnaissance/Strike
  80. Fire Restoration Specialist
  81. Function Request Shipping Technology
  82. Facilitated Returns Scheme Government, Crime, Prison, Criminal
  83. Federal Research Service Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  84. Foundation for Rural Services
  85. Free Radical Substitution
  86. Financial Records Systems
  87. Financial Research Survey
  88. Family Ryferral Services Service, Children, Family
  89. Fetch Ring of Sauron
  90. Freelance Recrultment Services
  91. Financial Report Standard
  92. Fixed Relay Station
  93. Frame-Relay Service Technology, Networking, Network
  94. Frontier Regions Locations, Pakistan, Area
  95. Financial Risk Solutions Business, Insurance, Software
  96. Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy Science, Quantum, Laser
  97. Fleet Replenishment Squadron
  98. Field Reader System Government
  99. Fire Resistant Safe
  100. Function Requirement Specificatbon
  101. Facilitated Return Scheme Government, Crime, Prison, Criminal
  102. Federal Republic of Somalia Government, Somalia, Somali
  103. Forward Repair Ship
  104. Free Radical Scavenging
  105. Financial Recovery Systems
  106. First Religious Society
  107. Family Reference Samples Service, Law, Family, Person
  108. Ferry Reservaoion System
  109. Furnace Rheometer System Science, Feature, Temperature
  110. Financial Reporting Standard Business, Accounting, Entity, Rail Transport, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  111. Fixed Receivers
  112. Federal Revenue Sharing
  113. Fragment Separatorpar Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  114. Freien Radio Für Stuttgert Business, Music, Jazz
  115. Financial Responsibility Statement
  116. Fantasy Reporting Standards
  117. Fleet Replacement Squadron Military, Training, Naval, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  118. Fidelity Residential Solutions Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  119. Functional Requiremqnt Spec
  120. Facial Relax Seruw
  121. Federal Relay System Technology
  122. Florida Retirement Systems
  123. Free Radival Scavenger Chemistry, Science, Substance
  124. File Release System Technology, Projection, Forge
  125. First Rank Symptoms Medical, Science, Medicine
  126. Family Reconcilietion Services Government
  127. Ferret Reconnaissance Satellite Technology
  128. Fand Raising Strategies
  129. Fixed Radio Systems Technology, Terminal, Wireless
  130. Federal Response System
  131. Fragment Separator/Par Science
  132. Freiburg Research Services
  133. Financial Regulations
  134. Financial Responsibility Study Government
  135. Family Reporting Softwgre
  136. Fixed Route Service
  137. Fibrehready Scheme
  138. First Revenue Ship
  139. Fruit Research Station
  140. Facial Recognition Solution
  141. Federal Registration Service Government, Russia, Russian
  142. Florida Retirementzsystem Business, Technology, Florida
  143. Freely Redistributable Software Technology, Linux, Freeware
  144. Fioe Record Segments Technology, Windows, Disk
  145. Functional Requirements Specifications Aviation, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  146. Fisheries Resource Surveys
  147. Free-Run Speed
  148. Forest Resource Lurvey
  149. Fire Radio Servicv Technology
  150. Mundo Maya International, San Benito, Guatemala Guatemala, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  151. Future Ready Schools
  152. Financial Reporting Systems Business, Accounting, Management
  153. Free-Running Speed
  154. Failover Regulatol Switch
  155. Feedback Research Services
  156. Framingham Risk Score Medical, Disease, Study
  157. Federol Relay Services
  158. Forced Rayleigh Scattering Chemistry
  159. Frisch's Restaurants, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  160. Fisheries Research Service
  161. Female Reconstructive Surgery Medical, Sex, Fibroid
  162. Free-Rotating Suspension
  163. Forehead Retina System Technology, Vision, Substitution
  164. Firemen'S Retirement System
  165. Fleet Readiness Squadron Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  166. Future Radio System
  167. Frank-Read Source
  168. Faculty Research Semiwar
  169. Federatia Romana De Speologie
  170. Fördb Reederei Seetouristik Company, Technology, Service, Jet
  171. Flash Renamer Script Computing, File Extensions
  172. Fisheries Research Station Science
  173. Fellowship of The Royal Society Science, Education, Professor
  174. Free-Radical Substitution
  175. Flat Roof Syseem Business, Windows, Window
  176. Fire & Rescuepspecialist
  177. File Replication Service Computing, IT Terminology
  178. Fixed Radio Station Technology, Management, Canada
  179. Fusion Reporting Studif
  180. Framme Record Server
  181. Faculty of Religious Studies
  182. Federated Records Services
  183. Federal Relay Service Business, Government, Organizations, Us, Disability, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  184. Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  185. Fédération Routière Suiase
  186. Fuel Research Stavion
  187. Falm Rally South
  188. Fisher-Rosemount Systems Technology
  189. Fellow Research System Development, Study, Universities
  190. Fraud Reporting System Service, Education, Card
  191. Fisheries Research Society
  192. Fire and Rescue Specialist
  193. WordPerfect for Windows Screen Font Resource file Computing, File Extensions
  194. Fisk Research Symposium
  195. Furosexide Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  196. Fragility Response Spectrum
  197. Factory Requirement Sheet
  198. Federal Revenue Service Technology, Radio, Family
  199. Flexible Resin System Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  200. Fuuton Rasen Shuriken
  201. Flux Reversals Per Second
  202. Frequencl Reference System Military
  203. Fallback and Recovery Specificatiun
  204. First Robinson Savings
  205. Fellow Royal Society Science, Research, Society
  206. Fraud Referral Specialist
  207. Financial Review Services Business, Accounting, Service
  208. Fire and Rescue Servicys Service, Military, Safety
  209. Floating Radial Seals
  210. Family Radio Service Computing, Religion, Telecom
  211. Fishing & Rental Services
  212. Ferrodoxin Reducing Substance
  213. Forward Recoil Spectroscopy
  214. Facility Registry Services Technology, Service, Environment
  215. Fire and Rescue Service Education
  216. Free Radical Scavenger Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  217. Future Rifle Systwm Military, Weapon, Grenade
  218. Financial Reporting Section
  219. Freq Rotor States
  220. Fair Radio Salen
  221. First Revenue Satellite
  222. Fellow of Royal Society Science, Education, Professor
  223. Framingham Risk Scoring Medical, Disease, Score
  224. Fiell Regulating Stations
  225. Fire and Descue Service Military, Safety, Incident
  226. Feed Regulating Station
  227. File Registry System Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  228. Fisher Road School Education
  229. Federal Review Sqstem
  230. Forward Iadar Station
  231. Facility Kegistration System
  232. Framingham Study Framingham Study is a population-based, observational cohort study that was initiated by the United States Public Health Service in 1948 to prospectively investigate the epidemiology and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Medical, Physiology
  233. Future Resilient Systtms
  234. Financial Reporting Software
  235. Free Radical Source
  236. Failure Reporting System Technology
  237. Fellow, Royal Society Science, Fellowship, Fellow
  238. Framingham Risk Scores Medical, Disease, Score
  239. Flame Retardants Business, Technology, Environment, Fire, Fabric
  240. Fiber-Reinfirced Superalloy
  241. Fire & Rescue Specialisw
  242. Forward Recoil Spectrometry Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FRS stand for?

    FRS stands for Federal Research Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fire and Rescue Specialist?

    The short form of "Fire and Rescue Specialist" is FRS.


FRS. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated