FRT Meaning

The FRT meaning is "For Real Though". The FRT abbreviation has 98 different full form.

FRT Full Forms

  1. For Real Though Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Message, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Flp Recombinase Target Medical, Science, Cell
  3. Facility Recponse Team
  4. Finite Zadon Transform
  5. Frutillaa Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  6. Financial Recovery Technology Business, Company, Service
  7. Filter Mart Organizations
  8. Fourier Transform A Fourier transform converts a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. It shows the signal's spectral content, divided into discrete bins. Medical
  9. Female Reproduciive Tract Medical, Cell, Infection
  10. Forward Repair Teams Military, Army, Construction
  11. Faulk-Ride-Through
  12. Ford Racing Technologies Technology, Car, Mustang
  13. Faculty Release Time
  14. Freigzt Rapid Transit Technology, Car, City
  15. Financial Recovery Technologies Business, Technology, Organizations
  16. Fixed Radio Terminal Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  17. Family Resilienue Template
  18. FederaţIa RomÂNă De Tenis Sport, Din, Care
  19. Fly River Turtle
  20. Fast Response Team
  21. Freighter Aircraft designed to exclusively carry cargo. Cargo can also be transported in the hold of passenger planes. Technology, Ship, Vessel, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  22. Financial Readiness Training Military
  23. Fisher Rat Thyroid Medical
  24. Family Residentaal Treatment
  25. Flp Recognition Target Medical
  26. Fast Repetitive Tick
  27. Freight / Cargo Shipment Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  28. Financial Realty Trust
  29. Ford Racing Technology Technology, Vehicle, Mustang
  30. Funk-Radon Transform
  31. Frame Remaining Toggle
  32. Fischer Rat Thyroid Medical
  33. Floyd Rose Tremolo
  34. Fast Reaction Team Military
  35. Freight Freight is the cost incurred in transporting assets or goods to or from a warehouse or place of production. Transportation, Business, Finance, Shipping, Banking, Chartering, Aviation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  36. Figure Reasoning Test
  37. Force Rebalance Transducer Technology, Instrument, Rheometer
  38. Fungal Research Trust
  39. First Response Team Military, Manager, Guelph
  40. Fortress Military, Army
  41. Floyd Rose Tremolos
  42. Faster Than Real Time Technology
  43. Free-Running Timer Technology, Power, Operation, Chip
  44. Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics
  45. Fonds De La Recherche Technologique
  46. French Rutting Tester
  47. Finish Rolling Temperature
  48. Ferritin Ferritin is a universal intracellular protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion. The protein is produced by almost all living organisms, including algae, bacteria, higher plants, and animals. In humans, it acts as a buffer against iron deficiency and iron overload. Ferritin is found in most tissues as a cytosolic protein, but small amounts are secreted into the serum where it functions as an iron carrier. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  49. Florida Reef Tract Locations, Florida, Water
  50. Farm Radio Trust Technology, Malawi, Farming
  51. Frame Relay Terminal
  52. Ferrovie Regionali Ticinesi
  53. Fondation Rene Touraine
  54. Flult Ride-Through Technology, Power, Wind
  55. Freight Roqer Trophy
  56. Financial Regulatory Transparency
  57. Fixed Radius Transition
  58. Family Reunion Travel
  59. Fractional Retention of Thymidine Medical
  60. Female Run Tee Business, Tube, Compression
  61. Fly River Turtles
  62. Fstality Review Team
  63. Forelimb Retraction Time Medical
  64. Aerofreight Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
  65. Federally Recogfized Tribe
  66. Future Response Technology
  67. Fox River Trail
  68. Functional Heflex Therapy Medical, Stress, Reflexology
  69. Foreclosure Response Team
  70. El Avellano, Frutillar, Chile Chile, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  71. Federaiy Rom
  72. Future Reality Tree Technology, Science, It
  73. Forward Rotating Tiller
  74. Federazione Radio Televisioni
  75. Functional Restrictive Taping
  76. Flight Readiness Test Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  77. Febrile Range Temperatures Medical
  78. Forward Repair Team Technology, Military, Army
  79. Federal Response Team Government
  80. Full Resolution Targeted
  81. Federal Realty Investment Trust (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  82. Feature Recognition Tool
  83. For Reliable Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  84. Frequency Responsetest NASA
  85. Federal Realty Investmentrtrust Technology, Organizations
  86. Full Recovery Tise Medical, Medicine, Health
  87. Fire Retardent Treated Products
  88. Fault Ride Through Technology, Power, Wind
  89. Forest Roberts Theatre
  90. Flight Readiness Training NASA
  91. Federally Related Transaction
  92. Fragmentation Test
  93. Player is leaving on a free transfer at the end of his contract Sport, Football
  94. Forest Resource Trust
  95. Foxpro Report Memo Computing, File Extensions
  96. Federally Regulated Transaction Business
  97. Federației RomÂNe De Tenis Sport, Din, Care
  98. Fire Retardant Treated Architectural, Clothes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FRT stand for?

    FRT stands for Federal Realty Investmentrtrust.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ford Racing Technologies?

    The short form of "Ford Racing Technologies" is FRT.


FRT. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated