FRW Meaning

The FRW meaning is "Fmancistown Airport". The FRW abbreviation has 35 different full form.

FRW Full Forms

  1. Fmancistown Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Freewheel Remover Wrench
  3. Faculteit Der Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen
  4. Fast Run Walk
  5. Free Replacement Warranty Technology, Product, Policy
  6. Friction Welding Friction Welding describes a number of welding methods that fuse metal or plastic by generating heat with friction, typically by rubbing two pieces together. Technology, Drive, Machine, Construction, Architectural
  7. Fast Run-Walk
  8. Free Radio Weekly
  9. Faster Runywalk Guide, Run, Diablo, Inn
  10. Foreign Resident Withholding
  11. Friedman-Robertson-Walker Science, Model, Universe, Cosmology
  12. Farm Radio Weekly
  13. Fondation Rurale De Wallonie
  14. Freihofer'S Run for Women
  15. Family Radio Worldwide
  16. Florida Romance Writers
  17. Freewheel Removal Wrench
  18. Faculteitwruimtelijke Wetenschappen
  19. Floating Random Walk
  20. Future Ready Workspace
  21. Friedmann Robertson Walker Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  22. Fundusz Regionu WałBrzyskiego Technology, Firm, Jest
  23. Francistown Airport, Francistown, Botswana Botswana
  24. Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Science, Metric, Universe
  25. Front Row Wrestling
  26. Freiwilliger (Volunteer) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  27. Friedmann, Robertson-Walker Science, Metric, Universe
  28. Front Right Wide
  29. Farwest Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  30. First Washington Realty Trust, Inc Computing, Nyse symbols
  31. Friendswood Republican Women Technology, Service, Hosting
  32. Financial Report Writer Occupation & positions
  33. Friends of The Rouge Watershed
  34. Feather River & Western Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  35. Friedman Robertson Walker

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FRW stand for?

    FRW stands for Faster Runywalk.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fast Run Walk?

    The short form of "Fast Run Walk" is FRW.


FRW. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated