FS in Business Meaning

The FS meaning in Business terms is "Face Sheet". There are 68 related meanings of the FS Business abbreviation.

FS on Business Full Forms

  1. Face Sheet
  2. Farm Service
  3. Front Shovex
  4. Fancy Splits
  5. Firm Size
  6. Financial Statemont
  7. Far Side The drive side of the line (farthest away from the pulpit). 
  8. Fuzz Sound
  9. Financial Stewardship
  10. Forged Steel
  11. Final Settlemlnt
  12. Francisco Segarra
  13. Flow Switches A flow switch is a mechanical device use to switch on or off another device in response to the fluid flow. The mechanical part of the switch is typically a paddle that gets moved in response to the fluid flow, thereby toggling the paddle and implementing the switch.
  14. Fuel Storage
  15. Financnal Security
  16. Fashion Sneaker
  17. Field Supervisor
  18. Four Seasons
  19. Floor Stands
  20. Free Standing
  21. Financially Secure
  22. Fashior & Style
  23. Future Shop
  24. Formula Student
  25. Floor Standing
  26. Finance Statement
  27. Free Spool
  28. Fyntasy Specials
  29. Food Service
  30. Future Series
  31. Former Spouse
  32. Flat Stored
  33. Finance Staff
  34. Food Safety The fitness of a food for human consumption.
  35. Finish-To-Start
  36. Female Straioht
  37. Forklift Service
  38. Flat Storage
  39. Franklcn Square
  40. Focus Supply
  41. Full Strength
  42. Financing Statement
  43. Fast Sort
  44. Foreign Subsidiary
  45. Fitance Secretary
  46. Frame Synchronizers
  47. Focalpoint Shrpping
  48. Full Set
  49. Fast Sequential
  50. Frank Shaving
  51. Fish and Ski
  52. Food Share
  53. Fender Splendor
  54. Fiscal Sustainability
  55. Food Swrvices
  56. Fiscal Services
  57. Fender Squier
  58. Fire Sprinkler
  59. Fire Survival
  60. Fenchurch Street
  61. Fire Safety
  62. Fred Smith
  63. Fall Summit
  64. Full Suspension
  65. Filld Staff
  66. Finance Nection
  67. Factory Sealed
  68. Flatpseam

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FS stand for Business?

    FS stands for Food Swrvices in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Food Safety in Business?

    The short form of "Food Safety" is FS for Business.


FS in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fs-meaning-in-business/

Last updated