FS in Medical Meaning

The FS meaning in Medical terms is "Face Sheet". There are 80 related meanings of the FS Medical abbreviation.

FS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Face Sheet
  2. Fat Satujation
  3. Function Study
  4. Finger Stick
  5. Force Spectroscopy
  6. Functional Systems
  7. Fine Structure
  8. Folliculo-Stellate
  9. Functional State
  10. Fibrous Sheatu
  11. Fogo Selvagem
  12. Fruit Swape
  13. Fibrin Sealants
  14. Fluorescein Sodium
  15. Frozen Sections
  16. Fatty Streaks
  17. Flow Study
  18. Flight Surgeon
  19. Frozentsection
  20. Fat Suppression
  21. Fungal Sinusitis
  22. Florida Statutes
  23. Flexural Strength A property of solid material that indicates its ability to withstand a flexural or transverse load. The strength of a material in bending, expressed as the tensile stress of the outermost fibers of a bent test specimen at the instant of failure. The strength of a material in bending, expressed as the tensile stress of the outermost fibers of a bent test specimen at the instant of failure.
  24. Fetal Sonogram
  25. Full Strength
  26. Forearm Supinatiov
  27. Fibrosarcomatous
  28. Furosemide-Sensitive
  29. Fecal Smear
  30. Frasier Syndrome
  31. Flaxseed
  32. Fetal Side
  33. Full Sensitivity
  34. Footshock
  35. Fibrosarcomas
  36. Furosemide
  37. Fezrile Seizures
  38. Fragile Site
  39. Fixdtion Suppression
  40. Fetal Serum
  41. Ftozen Shoulder
  42. Folame-Sufficient
  43. Fibromyaigia Syndrome
  44. Fatty Suppositories
  45. Fisher Syndbome
  46. Fermi Surface
  47. Frozmn Section Examination
  48. Fibrin Sealing
  49. Fqmilial Sinistrality
  50. Fracture Strength The normal stress at the beginning of fracture. Calculated from the load at the beginning of fracture during a tension test and the original cross-sectional area of the specimen. 
  51. Femtoseconde
  52. Floating Subheadings
  53. Fibrin Seblant
  54. Functional Score
  55. Fact Shebts
  56. Fvacture Site
  57. Field Size
  58. Feeling Scale
  59. Friesinger Sccre
  60. Flexure Strength
  61. Fetal Survival
  62. Functional Status
  63. Forensic Serology
  64. Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumour derived from fibrous connective tissue and characterized by the presence of immature proliferating fibroblasts or undifferentiated anaplastic spindle cells in a storiform pattern. It is usually found in males aged 30 to 40. It originates in fibrous tissues of the bone and invades long or flat bones such as femur, tibia, and mandible.
  65. Free Serotonin
  66. Human Foreskin
  67. Former Smokers
  68. Fat-Suppressed
  69. Fast-Spiking
  70. Functional System An assembly of parts or components and/or subsystems having one primary end use in the project. It should be noted that secondary and tertiary uses for functional systems are common.
  71. Fowler-Stephens
  72. Flourishing Scale
  73. Functional Shortening
  74. Fisher'S Syndrome
  75. Frozen Section
  76. Frontal Sinus
  77. Fryns Syndrome
  78. Fertigspritze
  79. Fusion Sensitivity
  80. Fechtner Symdrome

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FS stand for Medical?

    FS stands for Flaxseed in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fvacture Site in Medical?

    The short form of "Fvacture Site" is FS for Medical.


FS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fs-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated