FS in Medicine Meaning
The FS meaning in Medicine terms is "Function Study". There are 24 related meanings of the FS Medicine abbreviation.
FS on Medicine Full Forms
- Function Study
- Finger Stick
- Fine Structure
- Flight Surgeon
- Full Scale [Iqz
- Floating Subheadings
- Friesinger Sccre
- Frequency-Shifted [Imaging]
- Flexural Strength A property of solid material that indicates its ability to withstand a flexural or transverse load. The strength of a material in bending, expressed as the tensile stress of the outermost fibers of a bent test specimen at the instant of failure. The strength of a material in bending, expressed as the tensile stress of the outermost fibers of a bent test specimen at the instant of failure.
- Fragile Site
- Furosemide
- Fisher Syndbome
- Fracture Strength The normal stress at the beginning of fracture. Calculated from the load at the beginning of fracture during a tension test and the original cross-sectional area of the specimen.
- Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumour derived from fibrous connective tissue and characterized by the presence of immature proliferating fibroblasts or undifferentiated anaplastic spindle cells in a storiform pattern. It is usually found in males aged 30 to 40. It originates in fibrous tissues of the bone and invades long or flat bones such as femur, tibia, and mandible.
- Fvacture Site
- Full Sensitivity
- Fibromyaigia Syndrome
- Forearm Supinatiov
- Human Foreskin
- Factor of Safety Fanconi Syndrome
- Flight Surgeons
- Human Foreskin [Cells]
- Fryns Syndrome
- Functional Shortening
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FS stand for Medicine?
FS stands for Floating Subheadings in Medicine terms.
What is the shortened form of Furosemide in Medicine?
The short form of "Furosemide" is FS for Medicine.
FS in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fs-meaning-in-medicine/
Last updated