FS in Networking Meaning

The FS meaning in Networking terms is "File Server". There are 5 related meanings of the FS Networking abbreviation.

FS on Networking Full Forms

  1. File Server In the client/server model, a file server is a computer responsible for the central storage and management of data files so that other computers on the same network can access the files. A file server allows users to share information over a network without having to physically transfer files by floppy diskette or some other external storage device. Any computer can be configured to be a host and act as a file server. In its simplest form, a file server may be an ordinary PC that handles requests for files and sends them over the network. In a more sophisticated network, a file server might be a dedicated network-attached storage (NAS) device that also serves as a remote hard disk drive for other computers, allowing anyone on the network to store files on it as if to their own hard drive.
  2. Feasible Successor
  3. File Sharing
  4. Float Static
  5. Frequency Slot

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FS stand for Networking?

    FS stands for File Sharing in Networking terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Float Static in Networking?

    The short form of "Float Static" is FS for Networking.


FS in Networking. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fs-meaning-in-networking/

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