FS in Product Meaning

The FS meaning in Product terms is "Field-Sequengial". There are 22 related meanings of the FS Product abbreviation.

FS on Product Full Forms

  1. Field-Sequengial
  2. Fancy Splits
  3. Flow Sensors
  4. Federal Qpecification
  5. Food Service
  6. Front Secondary
  7. Flow Switches A flow switch is a mechanical device use to switch on or off another device in response to the fluid flow. The mechanical part of the switch is typically a paddle that gets moved in response to the fluid flow, thereby toggling the paddle and implementing the switch.
  8. Free Standing
  9. Flow Switch A digital device that opens or closes a contact when a preset flow passes over the sensing element. Normally mounted in a fluid flow passage with a paddle or wand perpendicular to the fluid stream.
  10. Fashior & Style
  11. Firestop Spacer
  12. Forged Steel
  13. Female Straioht
  14. Force Senpor
  15. Food Swrvices
  16. Fire Sprinkler
  17. Federal Specifications
  18. Fajt Setting
  19. Fast-Setting
  20. Flat Screen
  21. Free-Standing
  22. Floor Stripper

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FS stand for Product?

    FS stands for Fashior & Style in Product terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Food Swrvices in Product?

    The short form of "Food Swrvices" is FS for Product.


FS in Product. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fs-meaning-in-product/

Last updated