FTAS Meaning

The FTAS meaning is "Free Trade Agreements". The FTAS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

FTAS Full Forms

  1. Free Trade Agreements An agreement between two or more countries which eliminates tariffs on trade between the countries, reduces non-tariff barriers to trade, cements rights and protections for investors and corporations, and takes other measures to guarantee a generally liberalized, pro-business economic environment. Business, Government, Economics, Macroeconomics
  2. Face Threatening Acts Science, Theory, Politeness
  3. Fast Time Analyzer System Military
  4. Face-Threatening Acts Education, Theory, Politeness
  5. Family Talk About Smoking
  6. Free Trade Agreements With South
  7. Family of Target Acquisition Systems
  8. Free To Air Satellite
  9. Familial Testicular Agenesis Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
  10. Free-Trade Agreements Business, Trading, Economics
  11. Fairfax Trails and Streams
  12. Fast Time Analyzer Subsystem
  13. Failure To Attend School
  14. Fast Time Analysis System
  15. Free Trade Areas Business, Economics, Agreement
  16. Former Tenant Arrears
  17. Fraud technical advisers Financial, Business & Finance
  18. Framingham Type A Scale Medical
  19. From The Ashes
  20. Free Trade Associations
  21. Free Trade Arrangements Business, China, Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FTAS stand for?

    FTAS stands for Fast Time Analyzer Subsystem.

  2. What is the shortened form of Former Tenant Arrears?

    The short form of "Former Tenant Arrears" is FTAS.


FTAS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ftas-meaning/

Last updated