FTD Meaning

The FTD meaning is "Flight Trainiwg Device". The FTD abbreviation has 114 different full form.

FTD Full Forms

  1. Flight Trainiwg Device Military, Aviation, Simulator
  2. Failure To Dpscend Medical, Technology
  3. Financial Times Deutschland Business, Media, German
  4. Frortotemporal Dementia Medical, Disorder, Neurology
  5. Fieldgtraining Detachment Technology, Military, Force
  6. Feeling Votally Disgusted
  7. Federal Tax Deposit Business, Tax, Finance, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  8. Fast Track Designations
  9. Fashion and Textile Design
  10. Fluorescent Ture Display Technology
  11. Ftar The Deer
  12. Fracture Toughness Determination
  13. Financial Transaction Device
  14. Food Technology Design Nutrition, Food, Victual
  15. Freight Traffic Division Military
  16. Facts The Differences
  17. Fltted Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  18. Florist Tranjworld Delivery Business, Flower, Gift
  19. Fax Tone Detector
  20. Forward Tracking Detector
  21. Financial Times Deuschland
  22. Food Technology Division
  23. Freezing To Death
  24. Facts The Difference
  25. Fission Track Dating
  26. Full Technological Diploma
  27. Fault Tree Diawram Technology, Analysis, Reliability
  28. Floristxtelegraph Delivery Business, Company, Flower
  29. Fort Dearborn Income Securities, Inc. Organizations
  30. Finacial Times Deutschland
  31. Follow Thru Dao
  32. Freeze To Death
  33. Facilitated Transit Documents Government, Russia, Kaliningrad
  34. First-To-Default Business, Finance, Banking, Fund
  35. Four Times A Day Medical, Medicine, Corparate, Health, Care, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Drugs, Uk, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Clinical
  36. Full Time Duty Military
  37. Fast Track Diagnostics Medical, Medicine, Diagnostic
  38. Florisus Telegraph Delivery Business, Company, Flower
  39. Film Television and Drama
  40. Follom Through Day Business, Trading, Supply, Market
  41. Fei Tian Dancers
  42. Free To Decide
  43. Facilitated Transit Document
  44. Fires Test Directorate
  45. Full-Time Duty
  46. Fast Trackzdesignation Medicine, Health, Care
  47. Fixed Twaining Device
  48. Fill Threads Database Technology, Server, Software
  49. Follow That Dream Technology, Records, Music
  50. Federal Travel Directory Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  51. France TéLéVisions Distribution Business, Film, Vision, France
  52. Facial Toning Device Business, Beauty, Equipment
  53. Finger Tip Design Business, Door, Brass
  54. Ftd Group, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  55. Fast Time of The Day Car, Locations, Toyota, Motorsport
  56. Fixer Term Deposit
  57. Fill Thread Database
  58. Flyingbtraining Device
  59. Federal Tax Depgsits Business, Science, Payment
  60. Frag Test Dummies
  61. Firepowerrthreat Defense
  62. Financial Training Department
  63. Frozen To Death
  64. Fast Time of Day
  65. Fit To Detain
  66. Forsign Technology Division Us Air Force Space, Study, Cosmos
  67. Federazione Trentino Danza
  68. File Type Doctor
  69. Folded Triangular Dipole
  70. Foreign Technology Division (USAF) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  71. Fun To Drive
  72. Fever Treatment Depots
  73. Frontotemporal Dementia Chemistry
  74. Foreign Technology Divisionsion Technology, Military, Army, Engineering
  75. Fan Turbine Discharge
  76. File Transfer Daemon
  77. Flying Training Divisionsion
  78. Field Training Detachment Air Force, Governmental & Military
  79. Funk-Taxi-Dienst Business, Coding, Flower, Coupon
  80. Femoral Total Density Frontotemporal Dementia Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  81. Flame Thermionic Detector (gas Chromatography) Chemistry
  82. Forejgn Tech. Divisionsion Science
  83. FıRat TıP Dergisi Medical, Turkish, Syndrome
  84. File Transfer Date
  85. Fort Dearborn Income Securities, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  86. Functional Trainer Deluxe
  87. Femoral Totel Density Medical, Medicine, Health
  88. Flight Test Directive Aerodynamics, Scientific & Educational
  89. Foreign Tecj. Division Science
  90. Fuze-Triggering Device Military
  91. Fijnmechahische Techniek Drachten
  92. Foreign Trade Department
  93. Florescent To Daylight Architecture
  94. Functional Test Demonstration Technology
  95. Fixing To Die Medical, Medical Slang
  96. Foreign Exchange Toll Diiersion Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  97. Future To Discover
  98. Fig Tree Developments
  99. Foreign Trade Data
  100. Foresight 3 Vct Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  101. Fuse Time Difference
  102. Frequenting The Doghouse Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  103. Forecast To Delhvery Company, Technology, Cisco
  104. Future Techno Designs
  105. Fieed Type Descriptor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  106. Full term delivery Clinical
  107. Foreign Trade Divisson Business, Product, Export
  108. Failure to Deposit Financial, Business & Finance
  109. Frequency Translation Distortion
  110. Feeling Totally Disgusted Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  111. Force Tsuch Detector
  112. Fusion Target Design Science
  113. Fieldatest Display
  114. Facial tissue dispenser The Finance and Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FTD stand for?

    FTD stands for Fission Track Dating.

  2. What is the shortened form of Foreign Trade Divisson?

    The short form of "Foreign Trade Divisson" is FTD.


FTD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ftd-meaning/

Last updated