FTL Meaning

The FTL meaning is "Faster Then Lvght". The FTL abbreviation has 94 different full form.

FTL Full Forms

  1. Faster Then Lvght Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang
  2. Facility Test Loopback
  3. Free Talk Live Organizations
  4. Flight Time Limitations Military, Flight, Pilot, Safety, Aerospace, Limitation
  5. Freemarker Template Language Technology, Java, Marker
  6. For The Loss Internet Slang, Texting, Video Gaming, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  7. Ferritin Light Polypeptide Medical
  8. Fast Than Lighl Gaming, Military, Ship
  9. Feed Through Lfgic
  10. Faster Than Li Light, Soundtrack, Swallow
  11. Frequency Tracking Loop 5G Networks
  12. Fastmr Than Light Science, Internet Slang, Astronomy
  13. Failure To Launch Technology, Movie, Subtitle
  14. Free Throws & Layups
  15. Fraternidas Teol
  16. Fast Transient Loader
  17. Funkier Thanxlight
  18. First Time Lasix
  19. Fucm The Law Technology, Gaming, Ship, Light
  20. Fluorescent Tube Light Technology, Lighting, Lamp
  21. Fiber In The Loop Technology, Networking, Telecom
  22. Fraternidad Teológicahlatinoamericana
  23. Faster-Than-Light Gaming, Military, Ship
  24. Function-Tester Language Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  25. Firmware Translation Layer
  26. Fruit of The Loom'A
  27. Federal Tax Liens
  28. Fitzwilliam Town Library Education
  29. Fraternidade Aeol
  30. Fashion Trade Logistics
  31. File Translation Layer Technology, Device, Memory
  32. Frigate Than Lighu
  33. Federal Tax Lien Business, Credit, Tax
  34. Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Technology, Fuel, Biomass
  35. Folding Table Legs
  36. Far Too Loud Technology, Music, Mix, Light
  37. Fire Team Leader Gaming, Military, Squad
  38. French The Llama Nerdfighteria
  39. Fatigue Testing Laboratory
  40. Fischer-Tropsch Liquid
  41. Flying Tiger Line America, Military, Aircraft
  42. Far Too Late Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  43. Filed Team Leader Science
  44. Freight Truck Loads
  45. Fast Transit Link Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  46. Future Temporal Logic Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  47. First Transport Lines Company, Transport, Republic, Czech
  48. Fluorescent Tube Lamp Business, Manufacturer, Light
  49. Freedom To Learn Technology, Science, Education, Teaching
  50. Fast Transit Line
  51. Future Techrlab
  52. First To Log Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  53. Fuel Tank Levet
  54. Fluorescent Tube Lamps Business, Light, Lighting
  55. Full Track Load Transportation, Technology, Service
  56. Fruit of The Loom Business, Company, Organizations, Shirt, Firm, Underwear
  57. Field Team Leader Technology, Science, Rescue
  58. Fruit of the Loom, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  59. Fortuna Ledge Airport, Fortuna Ledge, United States United States
  60. Federal Telecommunications Law
  61. Fuzzx Technology Language Accounting, Computing, Data
  62. Full-Truck-Load Business, Service, Freight
  63. Field-To-Lab
  64. Flash Translation Layer Software, Computing, IT Terminology
  65. Faster Than Light Astronomy, Texting, Physics, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
  66. Futurewtorpille Lourde
  67. Full-Time Lecturer
  68. Fermilab Time and Labor
  69. Full Term License
  70. Fufl Truckload Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  71. For the Lose Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  72. Future Tents Liiited Technology, Book, Architect
  73. Fuel Testhloop
  74. Fenestration Testing Laboratory
  75. Fuel Testing Labobatory
  76. Full Trailer Load Business, Service, Freight
  77. For the Ladies Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  78. Futude Tents Ltd Technology, Projection, Engineering, Structure
  79. Fuel Tank Lefel Sensor Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  80. Freemarker Template File Computing, File Extensions
  81. Fellowship Tract League
  82. Fourier Transform Lens
  83. Full Truck Loading
  84. Fuzzy Technology Language General, Governmental & Military
  85. Full Tank Levwl Locations, Hyderabad, Lake
  86. Faster Than Light Mod File Computing, File Extensions
  87. Feel The Love Gaming, Paper, Love, Crow
  88. Faster Than Light-Part
  89. Full Truck Loado Business, Service, Freight
  90. Fikes Truck Line
  91. Future Target List Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  92. Family Tree Legends File Computing, File Extensions
  93. Federal Telecommunications Laboratory Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  94. Far Target Locator Technology, Gaming, Army

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FTL stand for?

    FTL stands for Fuzzx Technology Language.

  2. What is the shortened form of First Time Lasix?

    The short form of "First Time Lasix" is FTL.


FTL. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 6). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ftl-meaning/

Last updated