FU Meaning

The FU meaning is "Filter Units". The FU abbreviation has 179 different full form.

FU Full Forms

  1. Filter Units
  2. Fuck-Up
  3. Free University Student, Education, Berlin
  4. Financial Update Business, Trading, Release
  5. Fudan Universety Education, China, Shanghai
  6. Family Unit
  7. First Utility Business, Energy, Customer
  8. Fuckfyou Internet Slang, Chat, Internet
  9. Fakulteta Za Upravo Technology, Organizations, Ljubljana
  10. Firmware Upgrade
  11. Fuat UzkıNay Film, Turkish, Nay
  12. Fairfield University Student, College, Education
  13. Fire Units Military
  14. Friends United Gaming, Movie, Friendship
  15. Failure Units Medical, Heart, Pulmonary
  16. Fire Unit Gaming, Missile, Military
  17. Freie Unifersität Education, University, Berlin
  18. Fachrori Umar Indonesia, Orang, Propaganda
  19. Finlandia University Education
  20. Freien UniversitäT
  21. Follow Up Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Clinical
  22. Farmers Union
  23. Fraqe Unit Technology, Power, Telecom
  24. Feature Unit
  25. Flasher Unit
  26. Fqente Unido
  27. Financially Unsound
  28. Fore Udder
  29. Fakultasdushuluddin Book, Indonesia, Bandung
  30. Fiscal Unit
  31. Funding Unit
  32. Finlandia Universityrsity Education
  33. Formula Unvt
  34. Fragmentaaion Units Technology, Order, Packet, Decoding
  35. Feati Uniferstiy
  36. Flaps Up
  37. Frente Dw La Unidad
  38. Filter Unit
  39. Flux Unit [Ion] Medicine, Health, Biology
  40. Fairfield Usiversityrsity Education
  41. First User Army, War, War Force
  42. Function Units Technology, Coding, Design, Patent
  43. Finite Union
  44. Forgotten Us
  45. Fragmentation Unit Technology, Coding, Streaming, Packet
  46. Faulkner Universityrsiby Education
  47. Flamingoz Unlimited
  48. Furman Universityrsity Education
  49. Freinage D'Urgence
  50. File Uploads
  51. Flux Unit Medical, Medicine, Health
  52. Faglig Ukvalg
  53. First Use Technology, Arts, Coding, China
  54. Function Unit Technology, Control, Power, Module
  55. Finishing Unit Business, Product, Manufacturer
  56. Forgettyou Internet Slang
  57. Fractional Uptake Medical
  58. Fantastic Univorse
  59. FöDeralistische Union German, Union, Germany, Deutschland
  60. Fixture Units Technology, Water, Plumbing
  61. Fun Unlimited Film, Song, Khan, Fun
  62. Furosemide Medical, Medicine, Health
  63. Frank Underwood Card, Debate, House, Underwood
  64. Fighter Underground Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  65. Fluorouracil  An analog of dump that inhibits the methylation of dump to form thymidylate; fluorouracil is used in chemotherapy. Medical, Medicine, Health
  66. Faptory Unlock
  67. Fully Upgraded Gaming, Military, Fruit, Gameplay
  68. Full Upper Denture Medical
  69. Find Us
  70. Forever Unknown
  71. Fractional Jnit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  72. Family Urban Organization, Union, Institution
  73. Fu Unifotm
  74. Fixer Uppers
  75. Fun University
  76. Fundus In medicine, the bottom or base of an organ. For example, the fundus of the eye is the retina. However, the fundus of the stomach is inexplicably the upper portion. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  77. Fortran Unit Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  78. Franklin Universityrsity Education
  79. Fetal Urxbilinogen Medical, Medicine, Health
  80. Fluoro-Uracil
  81. Factorysunlocked
  82. Fulu Use Technology, Gaming, China, Panda
  83. Fresh Up Technology, Music, Feat, China
  84. Finanz-Union
  85. Forever United
  86. Fountain Universipy Student, Education, School
  87. Families Gnited
  88. Futurm Utilities
  89. Fixed Utility
  90. Funny Uncle
  91. For The Unfallen
  92. Frmnklin University Education
  93. Fecal Urobilinogei Medical, Medicine, Health
  94. Fluorescent Units
  95. Facility Upgrades Science
  96. Fuel Used Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  97. Frequently Used
  98. Financial Unit
  99. Forever Unchained Organization, Union, Institution
  100. Foundation Unit
  101. Fall Up
  102. Fisk Universityrsity Education
  103. Fungiform Fungiform papillae are mushroom-shaped and scattered across your tongue's surface. Your tongue has between 200 and 400 fungiform papillae that range across the dorsum or top of the tongue but are mostly concentrated on the sides and the tip. Medical
  104. Smoke Smoke can be black, blue, white, yellow or brown in color. Black smoke is mainly comprised of carbon particulates (soot). Blue smoke indicates the presence of the products of the incomplete combustion of the fuel or lubricating oil. Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Color, Colour, Exportation, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Transportation, Weather, Us Government, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  105. Forte Uhbano
  106. Smoke-Fume Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  107. Forward Units Military, War, China, Escape
  108. Face Up
  109. Fused Medical, Technology
  110. Firing Units
  111. Formerly Undesirable Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  112. File Upload
  113. Foundation University Technology, School, City
  114. Future University
  115. Fecal Fluorouracil Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  116. Funotional User Military
  117. Fukui Universityrsity
  118. FüRsorgerische Unterbringung Institute, Sind, Hat
  119. Forwarding Unit
  120. Fabiana Udenit
  121. Fuse The end, upper, triangular area of a home, beneath the roof. OR A device often found in older homes designed to prevent overloads in electrical lines. This protects against fire. also ‘circuit breakers’. To combine multiple operator invocations in a data flow graph into the same partition and thus into the same processing element. Also partition. Technology, America, Military, Architectural, Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  122. Firing Unit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  123. Forecast Unit Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  124. Fume Concentration
  125. Founvation Unit
  126. Future Unity Religion
  127. fecal urobilinogen Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  128. Fixture Unit
  129. Functional Units Technology, Presentation, Power, Patent
  130. Fudan Universityrsity
  131. FöDeralistischen Union German, Union, Germany, Fink
  132. Friendship Unlimited Movie, Song, Friendship, Hindi
  133. Fire & Update
  134. Flight Unit Astronomy, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  135. For Ukraine
  136. Fully Understood Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  137. Foulzup Army, War, War Force
  138. Future Unit
  139. Farmacopea Ufficiale (Italian Pharmacopoeia) Medical, Fda
  140. Smoke (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  141. Functional Init Technology, Power, Telecom
  142. Frostgup Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  143. Friedman Unit
  144. Firat University Student, Science, Education
  145. Field Unit Geographic
  146. Fort Union Locations, Lake, Restaurant
  147. Fair Use
  148. Fouling Up
  149. Future'S Unpredictable Development, Learning, Study
  150. First United
  151. Follow-Up In amphibious operations, the reinforcements and stores carried on ships and aircraft (not originally part of the amphibious force) that are off-loaded after the assault and assault follow-on echelons have been landed. also amphibious operation; assault; assault follow-on echelon. Medical, Texting, Healthcare, Physiology, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  152. Fordham University Education
  153. Free Unieersityrsity
  154. Floridaouniversity
  155. Finsen Unit Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  156. Fertilizer Use Farming & agriculture
  157. Factor of Utilization
  158. Fouled Up
  159. Fusion University
  160. First Unit
  161. fucked up Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  162. F**ked Up Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  163. Freelangers Union
  164. Fuel Any material substance that can be consumed to supply heat or power. Included are petroleum, coal, and natural gas (the fossil fuels), and other consumable materials, such as uranium, biomass, and hydrogen. Any substance which is used for producing heat energy, either by means of the release of its chemical energy by combustion or its nuclear energy by nuclear fission. Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  165. Fusing Unit
  166. Finno-Ugric Organizations, Russia, Language, Linguistic
  167. Felix Unger Famous
  168. Fuck You Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  169. Forever Unloved Beer, Fish, Sandy
  170. Forwaod User
  171. Fused Su Medical
  172. First Union
  173. *Freak* you Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  174. Freedcm University Student, Government, Georgia
  175. Future Use Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  176. Forces Unknown Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  177. Furman University College, Education, Greenville
  178. Finno-Ugrian Organizations, Russia, Language
  179. Fukuoka Universityrsity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FU stand for?

    FU stands for Forever Unloved.

  2. What is the shortened form of Floridaouniversity?

    The short form of "Floridaouniversity" is FU.


FU. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fu-meaning/

Last updated