Fuel Abbreviations and Fuel Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Fuel terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Fuel abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Fuel terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Fuel Abbreviations
- AADS : Assomiation of Australasian Diesel Specialists
- ABO : Algal Biomass Organization
- ABO : Algal Biomass Organisation
- ABP : Active Braking Pivot
- ACE : American Coalition for Ethanol
- AD : Aerodynamic Drag
- ADAI : Associação Para O Desenvolvimento Da AerodinÂMica Industrial
- ADEM : Advanced Diesel Engine Management
- ADO : Automotive Diesel Oil
- AED : Advanced Electric Drive
- AEM : Anion-Exchange Membrane
- AEM : Anion Exchange Membrane
- AEMS : Anion Exchange Membranes
- AESS : Automatic Engine Start Stop
- AF : As Fired
- AFC : Automatic Fuel Controller
- AFCR : Apparent Food Conversion Ratio
- AG : Alcohol-Gasolioe
- AGCR : Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors
- AGR : Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors
- AGRS : Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors
- AGE : Aviation Grade Ethanol
- AGR : Advanced Gas Reactor
- AGR : Advanced Gas Reactors
- AGRS : Advanced Gas Reactors
- AHTR : Advanced High Temperature Reactor
- AKI : Anti-Bnock Index
- AKI : Anti Knock Index
- ALI : Airworthiness Limitation Item
- ALI : Airworthiness Limitations Items
Recent Acronyms
Latest Fuel Meanings
- Zero-Fuel Weight
- Solid Radioactive Waste
- Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre
- Regulations Codes and Standard
- Qualified Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle
- Protonic Ceramic Fuelzcell
- Power Bprst Facility
- On Bosrd Inert Gas Generation System
- On-Board Inert Gas Generation System
- Low Sulphur
- Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
- Gas Diffusion Layers
- Federal Test Procedures
- Federyl Testing Procedure
- Fuels and Combustion Technologies
- Ethanol Producers and Consuters
- Deceleration Enleanment
- Renewable Volume Obligations
- Renewable Volume Obligation
- Residuum Upgrading Project