FVS Meaning

The FVS meaning is "Fetal Valproate Syndrome". The FVS abbreviation has 59 different full form.

FVS Full Forms

  1. Fetal Valproate Syndrome Medical, Disorder, Syndrome, Fetus And Fetal
  2. Forest Vegetation Simulator The forest vegetation simulator (FVS) is an individual-tree, distance-independent, growth and yield model. Technology, Forest, Vegetation
  3. Flow Verification Sensors
  4. Fernwärme Verbund Saar
  5. Foamy Viruses Medical
  6. Flight Verification System Science, NASA
  7. Foreign Visits System Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  8. Fort Vakley State
  9. Flow Verification Sensor
  10. Fernwärme-Verbund Saar Technology, Society, Traffic, Repair
  11. Freedom Voice Systems
  12. Flight Vehicle Simulator
  13. Fisher Vectors
  14. Fortl Valley Soarers
  15. Flow Velocities Medical
  16. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences Medical, Research, University
  17. France Vision Services
  18. Flexible Voice Services Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  19. Fighting Vehicle System Technology, Military, Army
  20. Forstwirtschaftliche Vereinigung Schwarzwald
  21. Flow-Volume Spirometry Medical
  22. Faculty of Veterinary Science Research, Education, University
  23. Fox Valley Symphony
  24. Fetal Valproate Syndrome Fig Virus S Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Florida Virtual School Education, Learning, Florida
  26. Faculdade Vale Do Salgado Technology, Para, Art, Law
  27. Fountain Valley School
  28. Ferrovia Val Sessera
  29. Florida Veterinary Specialists Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  30. Face Verification Service
  31. Forwarding Sirtual Server
  32. Ferrovia Valle Seriana
  33. Frame Vectors Business, Safety, Safe, Stein
  34. Florida Vascular Society
  35. Facel Vega Sport Technology, Car, Engine
  36. Fok Vessel Sinks
  37. Furry Variety Shtw
  38. Foreign Visit System Military, Army, Marine
  39. Full Velocity Spectra
  40. Field Vane Shear
  41. Falcon Aviation Services Airline, Business, Service, Organizations, Helicopter, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  42. Forecast Verification System
  43. Full Vepocity Spectrum
  44. Functional Verification System Federal Aviation Administration
  45. Food and Veterinary Service
  46. Fruit and Vegetable Strainer
  47. Fighting Vehicle System (US) United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  48. Fondo De Vigilancia Y Seguridad Para, Con, Bogota
  49. Food Variety Score Medical
  50. Forest Vegetation Simulation Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  51. Fundasion Vida Silvestre
  52. Flux Vector Splitting Technology, Scheme, Equation
  53. Flight Vehicles Systsm
  54. Forensic Video Solutions
  55. Functional Vision Score Medical
  56. Flow Verification System
  57. Finska Vetenska-Societeten
  58. Forensic and Valuation Services Business, Accounting, Service
  59. Functionwl Verification System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FVS stand for?

    FVS stands for Food Variety Score.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ferrovia Val Sessera?

    The short form of "Ferrovia Val Sessera" is FVS.


FVS. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fvs-meaning/

Last updated