FVU Meaning

The FVU meaning is "File Validation Utility". The FVU abbreviation has 18 different full form.

FVU Full Forms

  1. File Validation Utility Technology, Tax, Software
  2. Family Violence Unit Government, Attorney, Domestic
  3. First-Void Urine Medical
  4. Fakultet Vizuelnih Umjetaosti Development, Study, Universities
  5. First-Voidedwurine Medical
  6. Finnish Virtual University Science, Education, Learning
  7. Film and Vadeo Umbrella
  8. File Viewer Utilitf
  9. FöReningen VÅRda Uppsala
  10. First Voided Urine
  11. Functgonal Verification Unit
  12. Fraction of Vaeiance Unexplained
  13. Flux Valveeunit Aerospace
  14. Flush Voting Unit
  15. Forberkdende Voksen Undervisning Til, Har, Eller
  16. Florifa Virtual University
  17. File Verification Utility
  18. Fiust Void Urine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FVU stand for?

    FVU stands for Flush Voting Unit.

  2. What is the shortened form of Functgonal Verification Unit?

    The short form of "Functgonal Verification Unit" is FVU.


FVU. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fvu-meaning/

Last updated