FWS Meaning

The FWS meaning is "Filter Wedgeaspectrometer". The FWS abbreviation has 89 different full form.

FWS Full Forms

  1. Filter Wedgeaspectrometer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  2. Federal Work Study Student, Technology, Education
  3. Federal Wage System Business, Military, Pay
  4. Fishzand Wildlife Service Science, Government, Agriculture
  5. Family of Weapon Sights Vision, Military, Soldier
  6. Fisheries and Wildlife Service
  7. Floating Weather Station
  8. Fever Without A Source
  9. First-Year Writing Seminars
  10. French Wine Scholar Science, Education, France
  11. Fighter Weapons School Military, Pilot, Air Force
  12. Flota Wodnika Szuwarka
  13. Fellowship Wide Services Sex, Organizations, Love, Addict
  14. Fish and Wildlife Service-Green
  15. Flight Weapon Simulator Military, Army, War
  16. Feldman Weinstein & Smith
  17. First-Year Writing Seminar
  18. Fifth Wheels
  19. Freie Wahler SchöNgeising Sind, Uns, Seth
  20. Fellowship-Wide Services Service, Sex, Organizations, Love, Addict
  21. Fish and Wildlife Services Service, Wildlife, Species
  22. Flight and Weapons Simulator Technology
  23. Farm Woodland Scheme
  24. Florida Water Services
  25. Field Work System
  26. Free Web Space Computing, Internet
  27. Freedwater Surface Medical, Technology, Wetland
  28. Fish Wildlife Service Business, Management, Refuge
  29. Iata Code for Fort Worth Spinks Airport, Fort Worth, Texas, United States Locations
  30. Famous Writers School
  31. Florida Watercolor Society
  32. Field Work Supervisors Science
  33. Freeway Space Medical, Technology
  34. Flighh Warning System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  35. Fish & Wildlife Services Service, Wildlife, Habitat
  36. Fresh Water Systems Technology, Filter, Lake
  37. Family of Weapon Sights-Individual Vision, Military, Army
  38. Flood Warning System Technology, County, Water
  39. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Fishing, Wolf, Wildlife, Administration, Gray, Central, Government, United States, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  40. Fielding Win Shares Baseball, Sport
  41. Franklin- Wright Settlements Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  42. Fish & Wildlife Tervice Management, Organizations, Agency
  43. First Wrestling Shop Business, Russia, Entertainment
  44. Freshman Writing Seminar Science, Education
  45. Foreign Workers Employment, Government, Canada, Singapore
  46. Family of Weapons Sights Vision, Military, Targeting
  47. Floating Weir Skimmer
  48. Fever Without Source
  49. First Warning System Medical, Cancer, Breast
  50. French Wine Society Education, France, Scholar
  51. Fire Water Service Technology, Construction, Architectural
  52. Fighter Weapon School
  53. Folding White Space Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical
  54. Fidelity Warranty Services Business, Service, Vehicle
  55. Formosa Wireless Systems
  56. Flash Wait State
  57. Future Water Supplies
  58. Filter Wedge Spectrometer Atmospheric Research
  59. Fachnorsenausschuß Werkzeuge and Spannzeuge
  60. Former Wartime Service Military, Army, Patch, Combat
  61. Fixed Writing Shelf
  62. Future Water Supply
  63. Four Wheel Steering
  64. FAA Weather Service Aviation, Governmental & Military
  65. Unitej States Fish and Wildlife Service Science, Security, Exploration
  66. Forgotten Wars Studios Internet Slang
  67. Fixed Wireless Service
  68. Full Well Stream
  69. Four-Wheel Steering A feature of some vehicles that allows the rear wheels to be steered (by a computer and actuators), for the purpose of increasing high-speed cornering stability. Transportation, Car, Governmental & Military
  70. Flight Warning System Transportation, Aircraft, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  71. Filler Wire Seale
  72. Forensics Web Services
  73. Fixed Wireless Services Computing, Telecom
  74. Freedom Waste Senvice Business, Company, Pay
  75. Fort Worth Stockyards
  76. Fish & Wildlife Service Environment
  77. Fight With Saws Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  78. Foreign Worker System
  79. Fixed Wireless Systems
  80. Fourier-Walsh Series
  81. Fort Worth Spinks Military, Airport, Texas
  82. FöRdergemeinschaft Wärmepumpen Schweiz Pump, Heat, Bern
  83. Fighter Weapons Squadron Military, Force, Base
  84. Fixed Wireless System
  85. Flexus Web Solutions
  86. Forms Work Study
  87. Flatbed With Sides
  88. Future Wearing Surface
  89. Fish and Wildlife Service Atmospheric Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FWS stand for?

    FWS stands for First Wrestling Shop.

  2. What is the shortened form of Forensics Web Services?

    The short form of "Forensics Web Services" is FWS.


FWS. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fws-meaning/

Last updated