FZ Meaning
The FZ meaning is "Foreign Zone". The FZ abbreviation has 60 different full form.
FZ Full Forms
- Foreign Zone
- Force Zero Technology, Circuit, Component
- Float-Zone Technology, Crystal, Silicon
- Focal Zone Furazolidone Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Franc Zone Business, Government, Occupation
- Frontal Midline Placement of Electrodes In Electroencephalography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Felix Zenger
- Frizzled Medical
- Focal Zone Medical, Medicine, Health
- Fracture Zone An area which has a great number of fractures. Fractures are subdivided as follows: Technology, Locations, Map, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Friends Zone
- Forschungs Zentrum
- Family Zone
- Flush-To-Zero Technology, Gaming, Mode
- Fresnel Zone Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Forges De Zeebrugge Military, Laser, Rocket, Forge
- Facultad De Zootecnia
- Final Zone
- Free Zones Business, Zone, Economic Zone
- Forges De Zeebruges
- Facilitaire Zaken
- Filezone.Ro Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
- Free Zone An area in a country where importers can store foreign goods, prior to further transportation, without having to pay customs duties or taxes on them. Business, Company, Economic Zone, Business & Finance, International business
- Fome Zero
- Fusion Zone The area of base metal melted as determined on the cross section of a weld . Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- FräNkische Zeitung Business, Weather, Roller
- Fetal Zone Medical, Science, Biology
- Fold Zandura
- Friend Zone Internet Slang, Girl, Guy, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Front Zip
- Ferrozine Medical
- Flydubai Iata Aircraft Codes
- Fortified Zone
- Full Zirconia Medical, Dental, Crown
- Frank Zappa Music, Lyric, Album
- Fixed Zero
- Full Zip Clothes
- Flunitrazepam Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Frankfurter Zeitung
- Fan Zhang Technology, Publication, Root, Ethylene
- Supercooled/freezing (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Full-Zip
- Flurazepam Medical
- Frankenberger Zeitung
- Fuzzy Medical, Photography, Camera, Digital
- Fritzing Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Full-Anatomical-Contour Zirconia
- Franz
- Francesco Zappa
- Fun Zoom Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Fluorinated Polyphosphazene Rubber Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Foula, Zetland
- Fun Zone
- Furazolidone Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Freekey Zekey
- Far Zone Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Fort Zumwalt
- Fungizone Medical
- Freezing Freezing is almost always an exothermic process, meaning that as liquid changes into solid, heat and pressure is released. This is often seen as counter-intuitive, since the temperature of the material does not rise during freezing, except if the liquid were supercooled. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Communication, Chat, Online, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Frank Zappas
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FZ stand for?
FZ stands for Fetal Zone.
What is the shortened form of Fun Zoom?
The short form of "Fun Zoom" is FZ.
FZ. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 13). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fz-meaning/
Last updated