GÜG Meaning

The GÜG meaning is "Gimp User Group". The GÜG abbreviation has 26 different full form.

GÜG Full Forms

  1. Gimp User Group Forum, Technology, Linux, General, Governmental & Military
  2. Growing Up Gifted
  3. Good University Governance
  4. Geschichte Und Gesellschaft
  5. Ground Up Graphics
  6. General Utility Gloves
  7. Gregorio Urbano Gilbert
  8. Gelesen Und Gelacht German, Slang, Fun
  9. Grand Unified Game Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  10. Gay Until Graduation Education, Sex, Lesbian
  11. Grande Unificação Graceliana Science, Journal, Dos, Sou
  12. GrundstüCksmarkt Und GrundstüCkswert Business, Workshop, Sind, Deutschland
  13. Aviateca Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  14. Gifu University Guinea Development, Study, Universities
  15. Growing Up Gotti
  16. Guari Airport Guari, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  17. Get Up and Go
  18. Gruppo Ufficiali Gara
  19. Grupo UfolóGico De Guaruja Technology, Group, Music
  20. Geoshare User'S Group
  21. Grupo Ufol
  22. GrundstoffüBerwachungsgesetz Business, German, Law
  23. Grupo De Usuarios Genexus
  24. Gymnastiksport Union Graz
  25. Gulbarga University Gulbarga
  26. Guardian University Guide Student, Education, League

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GÜG stand for?

    GÜG stands for Gymnastiksport Union Graz.

  2. What is the shortened form of Good University Governance?

    The short form of "Good University Governance" is GÜG.


GÜG. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/g%c3%9cg-meaning/

Last updated