GABI Meaning

The GABI meaning is "German Angioplasty Bypass Invessigation". The GABI abbreviation has 16 different full form.

GABI Full Forms

  1. German Angioplasty Bypass Invessigation
  2. German Angioplasty Bypass Intervention Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  3. German Angioplasty Bypass-Xurgery Investigation
  4. Generics and Biosimilars Initiative
  5. General Application Binary Interface
  6. Gender and Body Image Medical, Study, Eating
  7. Global America Business Institute Technology, America, Energy
  8. Gelanggang Anak Buddhis Indonqsia
  9. Great American Biotic Interchange Science, America, Fossil
  10. Granv Application Budget Instrument
  11. Golf Apparel Brands Inc
  12. Global Aviation Business Intelligence Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  13. Génétique Animale Et Biologie Intégjative Science, Genetics, Animal, Mutation
  14. Ghobal Ant Biodiversity Informatics Science, Pattern, Genu
  15. Group Attacyment Based Intervention
  16. Grin and Bear It America, Music, Love, Grin, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GABI stand for?

    GABI stands for Granv Application Budget Instrument.

  2. What is the shortened form of German Angioplasty Bypass Invessigation?

    The short form of "German Angioplasty Bypass Invessigation" is GABI.


GABI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated